DXView Defects

261the Main window's Clear function should clear active stations plotted on DX Atlas4.5.7
Number Description Version corrected
1 on some versions of Windows, fails when run on a European Windows locale  1.3.0
2 regression in master DXCC selection 1.1.3
3 UTC date is incorrect, beginning 1-JAN-2001 1.1.5
4 DXCC table regeneration fails if a DXCC, location, or prefix field contains an apostrophe 1.5.8
5 D6 and E4 prefixes are incorrectly plotted 1.2.3
6 Hygain DCU controller fails to rotate 1.2.5
7 latitudes between 0 S and 0 1' N are incorrectly displayed, as are longitudes between 0 E and 0 1' W 1.2.6
8 title bar UTC clock is non-functional 1.2.7
9 direct entry of QTH latitude and longitude fails 1.2.8
10 in version 1.2.9, rotor control enable does not persist between sessions 1.3.0
11 runtime error: Control Array Element "0" Doesn't Exist 1.3.1
12 progress window (displayed when used with DXKeeper) is too short 1.3.2
13 DX spots (displayed when used with SpotCollector) obscure QTH and DX locations 1.3.2
14 Solar - QTH offset computed incorrectly 1.3.3
15 poor map colors when display adaptor is set to 256 colors 1.3.3
16 full install includes a DXCC database, over-writing user changes 1.3.4
17 full install fails to create a Database subfolder 1.4.4
18 mode filters are not saved between sessions 1.4.9
19 incoming spots are plotted whether they match the plot selection and filter criteria or not 1.5.1
20 gracefully handle null rotor settings recovered from windows registry 1.5.2
22 Terminator shading is incorrect 1.5.5
23 failures to establish DDE links with applications that have not yet started are erroneously logged as errors 1.5.6
24 corrected and completed tooltips on the Config window's Plot Filters tab 1.5.6
25 don't activate DXView's main window when displaying a beacon location on behalf of PropView 1.5.6
26 missing boundary between CQ zones 23 and 24  1.5.7
27 the colors of several countries become lighter rather than darker during night time 1.5.7
28 increase Hygain rotor positioning delay from 250ms to 500ms 1.5.7
29 "Oceania" misspelled on the world map with continent boundaries 1.5.8
30 when configured to plot log, spots are repainted each time the mouse moves 1.5.8
31 earth map display defect introduced in 1.5.8 1.6.0
32 if the Info window overlaps the area of the World Map window containing a spot, double-clicking on that spot fails to QSY a Commander-controlled transceiver 1.6.1
33 Spots button in Earth Map window's Plot panel isn't enabled until the first spot is received from SpotCollector 1.6.1
34 after a double-click in the Earth Map window, do not activate the Info window 1.6.2
35 eliminate inconsistencies between plotted spots and popups 1.6.3
36 record spot times in UTC to prevent inconsistencies during timezone or daylight savings time changes 1.6.3
37 when directed by another DXLab application to lookup a prefix, display the location and beam heading on the world map even if the Info window is minimized 1.6.3
38 if Info window was minimized when the previous session was terminated, then start with the Info window minimized 1.6.3
39 Expect the locale's decimal separator character in fields that accept decimal numeric values 1.6.3
40 World Map window title bar displays "time of last solar position update" continuously, independent of the Info window's windowstate 1.6.4
41 build World Map window dynamically so that space is not wasted on PCs with differing display aspect ratios 1.6.4
42 Plot function (Info window, Map panel) generates an error, and is unnecessarily disabled in several useful situations 1.6.5
43 when clicking on a RTTY code in the Progress panel, filter DXKeeper's log to show all QSOs in modes that count for RTTY, not just RTTY QSOs 1.6.7
44 corrects program error 384 in module DXEarth.Form_Paint: A form can't be moved or sized while minimized or maximized 1.6.8
45 KG4 callsigns with three-letter suffixes are in the United States, not Guantanamo Bay 1.7.0
46 when presented with a DDE callsign and prefix lookup request, don't generate an ErrorLog.txt entry if the prefix is empty; instead, perform a callsign lookup 1.7.2
47 replace MSFlexGrid with MSHFlexGrid in Sunrise/Sunset window 1.7.6
48 don't reload DXAtlas settings when restoring its window position 1.7.6
49 eliminate startup delay in displaying spots on DX Atlas 1.7.7
50 Reset Window command fails if one or more windows are minimized or maximized 1.7.8
51 Initialization error causes "file World.bmp not found" messages during startup on some PCs  1.7.8
52 correctly display the solar terminator when Windows is configured to use large fonts 1.8.0
53 properly restore DX Atlas settings when DXView starts with its built-in world map selected  1.8.0
54 eliminate errorlog.txt entry during DX Atlas shutdown 1.8.1
55 when a callsign's ITU zone is ambiguous, the ITU zone from the previous lookup persists instead of being cleared 1.8.3
56 positions displayed on DXAtlas can be off by as much as 1 degree 1.8.5
57 permit Ctlr-C, Ctrl-X, and Ctlr-V in the Main window's Callsign, Latitude, Longitude, Shortpath, and Longpath text boxes 1.8.6
58 properly update current prefix for DDE access 1.8.8
59 KG4 2x1 callsigns are in the US, not Guantanamo 1.9.0
60 when plotting a spot on the world map use a database lookup on the callsign to determine location unless the resulting DXCC entity doesn't match the specified prefix, in which case plot the prefix (correct regression introduced in 1.8.7) 1.9.0
61 bottom of Main window is not visible on all systems 1.9.4
62 the DXCC entity for a callsign bearing a /N where N is a single numeric digit should be determined by substituting N for the right-most digit in the prefix (rather than the left-most digit) 1.9.5
63 DXAtlas does not properly display plotted spots (regression introduced into 1.9.7) 1.9.8
64 ignore unreasonably large or small values of the settings in the Graphics panel on the Config window's Plot Settings tab 1.9.8
65 eliminate the possibility of opening a Log's progress table before initialization has been completed 1.9.8
66 properly decode the DXCC entity of callsigns like KG4XXX/B, KC4AAA/QRP, and KC4/AA6YQ 1.9.8
67 If DXView is started with DX Atlas selected as its map, DX spots do not reliably appear 2.0.1
68 on startup, correctly restore the World Map window to its state from the previous operating session 2.0.1
69 if DXView is terminated with the native world map window iconified and then later restarted, selecting the world map icon on the Windows task bar and selecting "restore" will display the world map without proper initialization 2.0.5
70 can't plot log progress without first plotting DX spots 2.0.7
71 after closing and then displaying the world map, the log plotting progress selectors are disabled 2.0.7
72 default rotor control serial port should be "none" 2.0.8
73 prevent terminator recursion by checking for grey rather than not white 2.0.9
74 LP-Rotor button appears on all Config window tabs 2.1.2
75 use HTTP format filenames when invoking the browser on a help file 2.1.5
76 from a prefix-mapping perspective, treat callsign/N where N is an integer great than 9 as callsign 2.1.8
77 eliminate mapping of KC4XXX to Antarctica; let the DXCC database identify individual Antarctic calls  2.1.8
78 for callsigns of the form A/B, if the length of A is equal to the length of B, then A designates the DXCC entity 2.1.9
79 modifying the DXCC database causes duplicate entries in the prefix and entity name selectors 2.2.0
80 country name not accessible to PropView (regression in 2.2.0) 2.2.1
81 tolerate invalid map overlay selection registry entry 2.2.2
82 prevent terminator inversion (regression introduced in 2.0.9) 2.2.3
83 improved robustness of DDE queue handlers 2.2.7
84 reTable fails (regression introduced in 2.2.5) 2.2.8
85 color progress grid cell backgrounds correctly when DXKeeper is not running 2.3.0
86 properly handle callsigns of the form RA3XX/4/P 2.3.2
87 6-character grid squares of the form Ix9xxx specify a longitude that's incorrect by up to 2 degrees 2.3.3
88 if a DXCC entity progress record is missing from the current log, notify the user immediately rather than record an entry in the errorlog.txt file 2.3.3
89 4-character gridsquares in the western hemisphere are converted to the wrong longitude (regression introduced in 2.3.3) 2.3.4
90 grid squares 1 degree west of the prime meridian or 1 degree north of the equator are incorrectly converted to latitude and longitude 2.3.5
91 remove the IOTA database from development releases 2.3.5
92 implement the IOTA label with a textbox control so that its tooltip will work correctly on dual monitor systems 2.3.6
93 properly display the position of IOTA tags whose position straddles 180W  2.3.7
94 properly display database versions when the IOTA or LotW databases are not present 2.4.1
95 when locked, only ignore DDE lookup requests designated as "ignorable" 2.4.1
96 correct initialization error that clears SpotCollector overrides when DXView starts 2.4.2
97 spot of station with an entity override causes DXView to replace its Search panel callsign with the spotted callsign 2.4.3
98 plot of spot of station with an entity override is not correctly positioned 2.4.4
99 correct failure to plot spot on the DX Atlas map if the built-in map was not previously activated (regression in 2.4.6) 2.4.7
100 logged QSOs plotted on the DX Atlas map may be off by 1 degree 2.4.8
101 ensure prompt response to DXKeeper's "NewLog" command during initialization 2.4.9
102 ensure that all logged QSOs are displayed 2.4.9
103 when switching between logs in DXKeeper, clear the logged QSOs display, and display DX spots 2.4.9
104 allow Google map access from non-US locales 2.5.0
105 eliminate erroneous "world map missing" popup (regression in 2.5.0) 2.5.1
106 when enabling "Display Labels" on the DX Atlas map, remove any previous popup information 2.5.2
107 consider the DX Atlas map's zoom property when determining where to print popup text for plots to the right of the DX Atlas map's center longitude 2.5.2
108 properly initialize DX Atlas map when running with DX Atlas version 2.2.5 2.5.4
109 don't generate an errorlog.txt entry when modifying the DX Atlas map's Display Labels setting while the built-in map is selected 2.5.5
110 restore display of beam heading and auroral ovals when showing logged DXCC entities on the built-in world map 2.5.6
111 Retain built-in map settings when the built-in map is closed and then re-opened, or when the DX Atlas map is selected and then the built-in map is selected 2.5.8
112 ensure proper sizing of Sunrise Sunset window width 2.6.1
113 correct error in 6th grid square character when converting from lat/lon 2.6.4
114 ensure proper sizing of Sunrise Sunset window height 2.6.7
115 correct precision error in grid-square to lat/lon conversion 2.7.0
116 expand the Go button to a more reasonable size 2.7.1
117 improve accuracy of distance calculation 2.7.2
118 if rotator control is disabled, the antenna azimuth and path made available to other applications should be cleared 2.7.3
119 if progress information for a DXCC entity cannot be found in the current log, inform the user how to correct the situation 2.7.3
120 correctly select a DXCC entity by entity name 2.7.3
121 when activating a CW spot with the CW mode panel set to CW-R, send the correct mode designator to Commander 2.7.4
122 when activating a RTTY spot with the RTTY mode panel set to RTTY-R, send the correct mode designator to Commander 2.7.5
123 spell "override" correctly 2.7.6
124 don't enforce window width and height restrictions if "use dual monitors" is enabled 2.7.6
125 correct defect in sunrise/sunset forecasts 2.7.7
126 provide a queue for asynchronous lookups 2.8.0
127 correct "Display info in title bars" caption 2.8.3
128 don't save DX Atlas settings at DXView termination if DX Atlas isn't running 2.8.4
129 with "Display info in title bars" disabled, display the version in the Main window's title bar 2.8.6
130 if the Settings table in the DXCC database contains unexpected entries, display a message to the user rather than generate an errorlog.txt entry 2.8.6
131 KC4 callsigns not found in the USAP database should not map to Antarctica  2.8.7
132 KG4 callsigns not of length 5 should not map to Guantanamo 2.8.7
133 Callsigns like N6TR/7 should return a generic 7-area location rather than perform a USAP lookup on N7TR 2.8.7
134 USAP database lookups of stations in Washington DC should return a state of Maryland 2.8.8
135 correct erroneous longitude tooltip in the GetQTH window  2.9.0
136 when the QTH position is changed by clicking the Position button on the QTH panel on the Config window's General tab, immediately update the QTH sunrise and sunset times made available to other DXLab applications 2.9.4
137 if Commander is running and antenna rotation is disabled for the current band, clear the antenna bearing made available to other DXLab applications 2.9.4
138 restore the ability to minimize the world map window 2.9.5
139 accept separate grid square confirmation status in plotted QSOs that does or doesn't include LotW confirmations as a function of DXKeeper's "Include LotW confirmations in VUCC, WAC, & Maidenhead awards progress" setting, and use this when plotting grid squares on the DX Atlas world map 2.9.7
140 move Inet support functions from Common to InetCommon 2.9.8
141 correct the popup explanations for items in the Available column on the Config window's Databases tab 3.0.3
142 ensure that "New DB available" message does not appear unless a new database version is available 3.0.3
143 correctly report program errors generated by access to the USAP database 3.0.6
144 don't generate an errorlog.txt entry when a prefix is not found in the DXCC database 3.0.9
145 don't generate an errorlog.txt entry when plotting a spot with a station whose continent is not specified in the DXCC database 3.0.9
146 don't display "new DB available" if installed databases are up-to-date but an uninstalled database is available 3.1.0
147 use 'A' rather than 'Y' in the DDE interface to designate a callsign that's Authenticity Guaranteed 3.1.0
148 after installing the LotW or eQSL AG databases, update the Windows Registry so that DXKeeper and SpotCollector can on startup locate and open these databases 3.1.1
149 make "Lifetime" label visible on the Config window's "Plot Settings" tab 3.1.2
150 consult the USAP database when inspecting KH1, KH3, KH4, KH5, KH7, and KH9 callsigns 3.1.2
151 don't generate errorlog.txt entries if an incorrect North Geomagnetic Pole location is specified 3.1.4
152 after looking up a callsign that can't be mapped to an entity and location, clear all Info boxes 3.1.4
153 don't generate an errorlog.txt entry if the user attempts to upgrade a database that is still in use 3.1.4
154 prevent an errorlog.txt entry from being generated by DXViewConfig.UpdateCmd_Click 3.1.5
155 clearing the Info window in response to a command from another application should not "steal" cursor focus 3.1.6
156 when upgrading the USAP database, show the # of bytes to be downloaded as 13,000,000 3.1.9
157 improve handling of callsigns of the form part1/part2 where part2 is a single letter 3.1.9
158 repeat initialization of MapFolder 3.2.2
159 properly signal the Launcher that a minimization command has been successfully executed 3.2.3
160 when a plotted spot is double-clicked, ensure that the spot's location becomes the selected location 3.2.4
161 accept a command to clear an override's local time 3.2.6
162 in response to notification that an override's entity has been changed in SpotCollector, convey the entity's location, cq zone, itu zone, grid square, continent, and iota tag to SpotCollector so it can initialize the override 3.2.7
163 accept a command to clear an override's expiration date 3.2.7
164 prevent an errorlog.txt entry when installing the USAP database on a Vista system for the first time 3.2.8
165 correct tab order on Config window's Override tab 3.2.9
166 populate an override when striking the Enter key with focus in the override's entity selector, not when striking a letter key 3.2.9
167 when directed to display the Config window's Database Upgrade window, check for the availability of new database releases 3.3.0
168 when opening an LotW, eQSL, USAP, or IOTA database, gracefully handle missing tables 3.3.1
167 label the column of Entity selectors in the "DXCC Entity, Location" sub-tab on the Config window's Override tab 3.3.2
168 when performing a DXCC entity query without updating the World Map window, don't update the World Map because the Info window is minimized 3.3.3
169 when using the DX Atlas world map, the Main window's Map Clear function should remove plotted spots from DX Atlas 3.3.4
170 prevent a lookup operation initiated by another application from returning incorrect results 3.3.6
171 corrects a regression in 3.3.7 that prevents a single-click of a Spot Database Entry from updating DXView's Main window 3.3.8
172 clear the "last LotW upload" information displayed in the Main window's DXCC panel when selecting a DXCC prefix, DXCC entity, DXCC country code, grid square, latitude, longitude, IOTA tag, or location on the world map 3.4.2
173 don't generate an errorlog.txt entry when opening an empty Special Callsign Database 3.4.4
174 update the Translation window after lookup up a callsign via the USAP database 3.4.5
175 if Translation is not enabled, disable the Main window's Xlate button  3.4.7
176 after updating the Translation database, automatically re-open it 3.5.1
177 corrects the display of plotted QSOs where one participant's longitude is 0 3.5.2
178 if when looking up an IOTA tag no DXCC entity is uniquely designated, clear the Main window's Country Code 3.5.3
179 when looking up an IOTA tag, clear the Main window's Special Callsign tags 3.5.3
180 don't display the Translation window if it was minimized when DXView was last terminated 3.5.4
181 upgrading the Translation database with Translation disabled should not enable Translation 3.5.4
182 if the Translation database is installed and an upgrade is available, indicate the availability of the upgrade whether or not Translation is enabled 3.5.4
183 enables the DXCC Database window's reTable button after a Master Table entry is deleted 3.5.5
184 refuse to start if another instance is already running 3.5.9
185 prevent errorlog.txt file entry in DDEClient.Freq_Change 3.6.0
186 correct "Display Error Log" tooltip 3.6.2
187 prevent depressing the CTRL key while the mouse cursor is located in the Entity selector on the "DXCC Entity, Location" sub-tab of the Configuration window's Overrides tab from subsequently preventing the population of cleared override components when an override entity is selected 3.6.2
188 improve the accuracy of very short and very long distance calculations 3.6.3
189 ensure that the terminator is correctly updated around 0Z 3.6.3
190 ensure that the terminator is correctly updated around 0Z 3.6.4
191 convert Maidenhead Locators to the latitude and longitude of the center of the specified square or sub-square rather than its southwest corner 3.6.5
192 prevent the errorlog.txt file entry "N1MM.SetRotorPort: Control array element '0' doesn't exist" when the selected frequency does not map to a supported band 3.6.7
193 don't generate an errorlog.txt entry in DXViewModule.GetTags if no SpecialCallsignDatabase exists 3.6.8
194 update for consistency with new MapQuest API 3.6.8
195 using the arrow keys to navigate the Override tab's Entity selector should not trigger automatic population of the Override 3.7.1
196 don't attempt to perform a QRZ lookup if Pathfinder is not running 3.7.2
197 properly compute fractional spot lifetimes in non-US geographies 3.7.2
198 ensure that lines connecting DX and spotting stations on Google Earth are properly drawn 3.7.4
199 don't display spotting stations on Google Earth if Spot "QSOs" is disabled 3.7.5
200 prevent unnecessary eQSL/LotW database lookups 3.7.5
201 properly plot information on Google Earth when operating from a non-English locale 3.7.6
202 correct regression in support for N1MM Rotor V12.11 (and earlier) 3.7.7
203 indicate when information displayed in the Main window was obtained from the IOTA database 3.7.8
204 ignore decimal separator characters typed into latitude and longitude boxes 3.7.9
205  correct a regression introduced in DXKeeper 3.7.3 that prevents the display of logged QSOs on the DX Atlas world map 3.7.9
206 correctly handle the case where the new "Query IOTA Database" setting is enabled and a DXCC entity contains exactly one IOTA group 3.8.5
207 prevent errorlog.txt entries from being generated in SunriseSunset.Form_Resize and SunriseSunset.Form_Load 3.9.1
208 prevent partial Main window update when multiple requests are received 3.9.2
209 notify DXKeeper when an override is cleared by clicking its X button 3.9.3
210 don't generate an errorlog.txt file entry if the DX Atlas Font selector's Cancel button is clicked 3.9.6
211 reduce the number of Antenna Presets visible if "Query Special Database" is disabled 3.9.8
212 remove button erroneously added to 4.0.2 4.0.3
213 when highlighting the Progress grid's band to reflect the transceiver frequency, use the "standard" frequency-to-band mapping to determine the transceiver band rather than user-specified band segment names 4.0.6
214 prevent errorlog.txt file entries when terminating 4.0.8
215 ignore sequentially redundant lookup directives 4.1.0
216 back out #215 4.1.1
217 ensure that PrefixLookup operations work correctly 4.1.2
218 accept an Operating Mode update message from WinWarbler 4.1.2
219 re-enable lookup bypass 4.1.3
220 when directed to perform a lookup with the callsign box empty, immediately clear the plotted location and path 4.1.4
221 enable the ScanDX function to cover the 60m and 4m bands, and retains the settings for scanning these bands between operating sessions 4.1.5
222 if a lookup operation cannot identify a DXCC entity and the DXCC progress grid is being displayed, clear the DXCC progress grid 4.1.6
223 prevent errorlog.txt file entry in DXViewModule.SelectLocation 4.1.7
224 improve accuracy of distance calculations 4.1.7
225 after upgrading to a DXCC database that requires DXKeeper and SpotCollector to Recompute, improve the message to the user to indicate that SpotCollector should be directed to Recompute after DXKeeper has finished Recomputing 4.1.8
226 ensure that override modifications are conveyed to DXKeeper 4.1.8
227 notice when PropView disconnects 4.2.0
228 handle recursion in Common.Log 4.2.1
229 if the temporary file used to download a database upgrade can't be deleted, wait 1 second and try again; if that fails, report to the user that the operation has been aborted 4.2.1
230 when configured to display the solar position at a specific date and time, continue to update the world map and re-evaluate spot lifetimes every 2 minutes 4.2.3
231 if the user declines to accept the DXLab License, informs the DXLab Launcher that DXView is terminating 4.2.6
232 eliminate unnecessary repainting of the world map when a location is selected by clicking on the world map or by specifying a grid square 4.2.6
233 make number of queued async lookup requests accessible to other application 4.2.6
234 don't clear the Sunrise/Sunset panel grid if it's already clear 4.2.9
235 inform the user if the Sunrise/Sunset panel's DX Latitude or Longitude are invalid 4.2.9
236 accept ignorable flag in UpdateGrid directive 4.3.2
237 prevent an overflow error in DXViewModule.Distance 4.3.3
238 prevent a "Subscript out of range" error in DXAtlasModule.EndDisplay 4.3.3
239 ensure that DXCC progress update from DXKeeper is properly reflected in Main window's Progress Grid 4.3.6
240 ensure that N1MM Rotor band labels are visible 4.3.9
241 prevent errorlog.txt file entry "program error in module DXViewModule.GetPrefix, State = 1" 4.4.0
242 correct remember the width of the Configuration window's "Override List" tab between operating sessions 4.4.1
243 correctly implement the unexpired Override List filter 4.4.1
244 on the Configuration window's "Override List" tab, display the ITU column right-aligned 4.4.1
244 on the Configuration window's "Override List" tab, make the callsign column movable and resizable 4.4.1
245 increase the width of the Override List's TimeZone column from 4 to 8 characters 4.4.1
246 de-null newly-created override list fields 4.4.2
247 when selecting a new row in the Override List, disable the Save button, and enable the Add and 4.4.2
248 prevent the Override List's Valid column from being made visible 4.4.4
249 force Continents entered into the Override List to be upper case 4.4.4
250 remember the Configuration window's Override width between operating sessions 4.4.5
251 prevent the user from modifying an Override List entry's Source 4.4.6
252 when converting previously-specified overrides, tolerate "expiration dates" not in YYYY-MM-DD format 4.4.7
253 don't allow an expiration date to be specified in a format other than YYYY-MM-DD 4.4.7
254 trim legacy override components if they are too large 4.4.7
255 ensure that callsigns displayed in the Main window's Search panel are upper case 4.4.8
256 when an populating override with location information derived from the specified entity, tolerate nulls in DXCC database fields 4.4.9
257 when determining whether an exception specifies a location different than the USAP database, first remove callsign suffixes like /A, /B, /M, /P,  /QRP,  /MM,  /MM1,  /MM2,  /MM3,  /AM,  /MOBILE,  /AG, /AA, /AE, /ND,  /LH,  /YL, and  /FF 4.5.1
258 depressing CTRL while clicking the Override tab's ClubLog button should update new CLub Log Overrides based on their DXCC entity 4.5.1
259 update DXCC.txt to show that Kingman Reef is deleted 4.5.2
260 prevent modification of entity names in the Override List's Entity column 4.5.5
261 the Main windows Clear function should remove plotted callsigns from the DX Atlas map 4.5.7
262 prevent generation of errorlog.txt entry program error 381 in module StatusString.UpdateGrid, State = 1 4.5.8
263 if an override specifies an end time greater than 00:00:00, add 1 day to the end date 4.6.0
264 retract defect repair 263 4.6.1
265 considers an override to end at 23:59:59Z on the specified end date 4.6.1
266 prevent errorlog.txt file entry from CallGridDatabaseModule.QueryCallGridDB 4.6.2
267 more accurately determine whether DXKeeper, SpotCollector, or WinWarbler are running 4.6.4
268 prevent a "Invalid property array index" errorlog entry in DXViewMain.CountryCombo_Click 4.6.5
269 allow plotting of QSOs with maritime mobile or aero mobile stations 4.6.7
270 correctly interpret position reports from Hygain and Yaesu rotators 4.7.0
271 correctly interpret position reports from Hygain  rotators 4.7.1
272 if the Heading panel's short box is empty, clicking the SP button does not initiate rotation 4.7.2
273 if the Heading panel's long box is empty, clicking the LP button does not initiate rotation 4.7.2
274 correct Info window layout on startup when rotor control is enabled, Special Callsigns tags, are not enabled, and the GeoMag panel is enabled 4.7.4
275 correctly plot short QSOs with small differences between active station longitude and spotting station longitude 4.7.6
276 improve accuracy of Lat/Lon to Grid sub-square calculation 4.7.7
277 in the World Map window's Plot panel, fully display the "Filtered QSOs" caption 4.7.7
278 inform user if unable to interoperate with GoogleMaps 4.7.7
279 correct the 4m and 2m labels in the "N1MM Rotor Selection by Band" panel on the Configuration window's "Rotator Control" tab 4.8.0
280 prevent an errorlog.txt file entry from being generated by OverrideUpdateReport.Form_Resize 4.8.3
281 prevent an errorlog.txt file entry from being generated by DDEServerModule.AsyncEnqueue 4.8.3
282 deleting the last number in the Heading panel's short or long textbox clears both the short and long textbox 4.8.4
283 when directed to perform a lookup operation, correctly update the callsign's eQSL and LoTW participation shown on DXView's Main window 4.8.4
284 correctly terminate when the Main window is minimized 4.8.7
285 update the native world map and its overlays 4.8.9
286 correct a defect in gray line prediction when the DX location is in all-day darkness or all-day sunlight 4.9.0
287 enable plotting of a logged QSO that doesn't specify a DXCC prefix 4.9.0
288 with the ARCO panel set to TCP, clicking the Serial button should make the "Serial Port Interface" panel appear 4.9.0
289 on startup, only displays the Translations window if that window was displayed when DXView last terminated 4.9.0
290 correctly enable Rotator Control on startup 4.9.1
291 require the IOTA tag specified in an Override to be 6 characters in length 4.9.2
292 prevent errorlog.txt entry "program error 401 in module DDEServer.LinkExecute: Can't show non-modal form when modal form is displayed" 4.9.3
293 correctly filter for expired and unexpired overrides 4.9.4
294  hide obsolete function erroneously left enabled during debugging 4.9.5



If you have questions or suggestions, please post them on the DXLab Discussion Group.