
DXKeeper Online Help Contents

Configuring DXKeeper is primarily accomplished via the Configuration window and the QSL Configuration window.  Defining bands and defining or eliminating modes, however, are accomplished by editing files.

Clicking a Config button on the tabs of DXKeeper's Main window displays the Configuration window. Depressing the CTRL key while clicking a Config button on DXKeeper's Main window displays the QSL Configuration window; clicking the QSL Config button on the QSL tab of DXKeeper's Main window also displays the QSL Configuration window.

DXKeeper's Configuration window presents 8 tabs: 

General Tab 

Display seconds in date/time fields

When checked, begin and end items are displayed using the locale's standard date/time format with hours, minutes, and seconds

When unchecked, begin and end items are displayed using the locale's standard date/time format with hours, and minutes

Display previous QSOs on Lookup

When checked, entering a new callsign in the Main or Capture windows or clicking the QSO Capture window's Lookup button

  • filters the log page display to show previous QSOs with the new Callsign, and - unless an override for the callsign is defined in DXView or Spotcollector - initializes the Capture window items with information extracted from those previous QSOs: DXCC entity, Region, name, QSL via,  QTH, Grid 1, IOTA, QSL address, email, web, Primary Administrative Subdivision, Secondary Administrative Subdivision, ITU, CQ, continent, IOTA, ARRL Section, DOK, user-defined items, member and LotW member items

  • displays a last QSO section at the bottom of the Capture window with the date, time, frequency, and mode of the most recent QSO with the new callsign

Display callsign progress on Lookup When checked with Display previous QSOs on Lookup also checked, entering a new callsign in the Main or Capture windows or clicking the QSO Capture window's Lookup button displays the Callsign Progress window, which shows the bands and modes on which previous QSOs were made
Display previous comments on Lookup When checked with Display previous QSOs on Lookup also checked, entering a new callsign in the Main or Capture windows or clicking the QSO Capture window's Lookup button displays a scrollable window containing comments extracted from previous QSOs with the same base callsign, each preceded by the QSO's start time and terminated by the QSO's callsign
Highlight duplicate QSOs When checked with the QSO Capture window visible, QSOs in the Log Page Display that match the QSO Capture window's callsign, band, and mode will be highlighted in red font
Provide audible feedback When checked, 
  • play a single  "Windows Default Beep" sound when a QSO is logged via the Main window's Log or New functions or the Capture window's Log function

  • play a continuous sequence of "Windows Default Beep" sounds when an attempt to log a QSO fails due to invalid items

  • play a single  "Windows Default Beep" sound when a duplicate QSO is entered into the Capture window with Contest mode enabled

Initialize RST fields to default When checked, automatically sets the Main and Capture window RST sent and RST rcvd items to the specified default value; if no default value is specified, these items are initialized to 59 (for phone modes) or 599 (for non-phone modes) unless another report has already been entered, and selects the entire contents of these fields whenever they gain focus
New QSO on DX Spot activation When checked, create a QSO in the Main window when a DX Spot is activated (in SpotCollector, DXView or Commander) with the Capture window closed and Optimize for realtime QSO entry checked
Log Special Callsign Tags when checked, Special Callsign Tags provided by DXView and SpotCollector will be appended to the Comment item
Backup log on shutdown when checked, automatically creates a Log backup on shutdown if a log file is open
Flag invalid callsigns When checked, callsigns not containing at least one number and one letter will be flagged when you attempt to Save in the Main window or Log in the Capture window; QSOs containing such callsigns will be marked Broken by the Recompute function
Main & Capture window F-keys via CC When checked
Main & Capture window F-keys via WW When checked
  • the Main & Capture window F-keys via CC option is disabled

  • the Function keys F5 through F12 when struck in a textbox or selector on the Main window's Log QSOs tab will activate WinWarbler macros, with Shift and Alt key modifiers interpreted as they would be within WinWarbler

  • the Esc key when struck in a textbox or selector on the Main window's Log QSOs tab will abort WinWarbler transmission

  • the Function keys F5 through F12 when struck in a textbox or selector on the Capture window will activate WinWarbler macros, with Shift and Alt key modifiers interpreted as they would be within WinWarbler

  • the Esc key when struck in a textbox or selector on the Capture window will abort WinWarbler transmission

Use multiple monitors When checked, windows that resided on a secondary monitor during the previous session will be restored to the same secondary monitor on startup; when not checked, all windows are restored to the primary monitor on startup
Log debugging information When checked, records debugging information to the file ErrorLog.txt in DXKeeper's folder
Require Edit to modify logged QSOs if this box is checked, the QSO currently selected on the Main window's Log QSOs tab cannot be modified without first clicking the Edit button
Confirm QSO deletion

if this box is checked, DXKeeper will request confirmation before deleting a QSO

Optimize for realtime QSO entry

When this box is checked, DXKeeper's Main window is optimized for logging QSOs in real time:

  • if, after entering a callsign in the call textbox, you strike the Enter key, DXKeeper will 

    • if the begin item has not been specified, set the begin item to the current UTC date and time

    • if Commander is running, set the freq item to your transceiver's current frequency

    • if Commander is running, set the band item to the band for your transceiver's current frequency

    • if Commander is running, set the mode item to the your transceiver's current mode

  • if you double-click the end item, DXKeeper will set the end item to the current UTC date and time

  • setting the QSL Rcvd,  item to 'Y' will set the Date Rcvd item to the current date 

  • setting the Rcvd item to 'Y' will set the Date Rcvd item to the current date 

  • setting the LoTW QSL Rcvd item to 'Y' will set the  LoTW Date Rcvd item to the current date 

  • if you save a QSO whose end item has not been specified, DXKeeper will set the end item to the current time.  

  • for QSOs with DXCC entities that specify Primary and Secondary Administrative Subdivisions, these subdivision items can only be selected from a list of valid choices

When this box is unchecked, DXKeeper's Main window is optimized for manually entering past QSOs: 

  • if, after entering a callsign in the call textbox, you strike the Enter key and , DXKeeper will 

    • if the begin item has not been specified, set the begin item to the begin item of the previously-entered QSO plus 1 second

    • set the freq item to that of the previously entered QSO

    • set the band item to that of the previously entered QSO

    • set the mode item to that of the previously entered QSO

    • set the myQTH ID item to that of the previously entered QSO

    • set the propagation mode item to that of the previously entered QSO

    • set the satellite name item to that of the previously entered QSO

    • set the satellite mode item to that of the previously entered QSO

    • set the meteor scatter shower item to that of the previously entered QSO

    • set the SFI item to that of the previously entered QSO

    • set the A index item to that of the previously entered QSO

    • set the K index item to that of the previously entered QSO

    • set the TX power item to that of the previously entered QSO

    • set the antenna path item to that of the previously entered QSO

    • set the station callsign item to that of the previously entered QSO

    • set the operator callsign item to that of the previously entered QSO

    • set the owner callsign item to that of the previously entered QSO

  • if you double-click the end item, DXKeeper will set the end item to the contents of the begin item

  • setting the QSL Rcvd,  item to 'Y' will not set the Date Rcvd item to the current date 

  • setting the Rcvd item to 'Y' will not set the Date Rcvd item to the current date 

  • setting the LoTW QSL Rcvd item to 'Y' will not set the  LoTW Date Rcvd item to the current date 

  • if you save a QSO whose end item has not been specified, DXKeeper will set the end item to the contents of the begin item 

  • if you save a QSO whose RST sent or RST rcvd item has not been specified, DXKeeper will set the item to 59 or 599 as appropriate for the specified mode

Note that the Optimize for realtime QSO entry setting has no effect on the Capture window's behavior, which is always optimized for logging QSOs in real time.

Optimize for realtime satellite QSOs

When this box is checked and the Optimize for realtime QSO entry option is enabled, then when logging QSOs via the Main window's Log QSOs tab,

Optimize for roundtable QSOs When this box is unchecked and Optimize for realtime QSO entry is unchecked, a new QSO's begin item is initialized to the last manually-entered QSO's end item incremented by 1 second.

When this box is checked and Optimize for realtime QSO entry is unchecked, a new QSO's begin item is initialized to the last manually-entered QSO's begin item incremented by 1 second.

Allow direct Subdivision entry when checked, for QSOs with DXCC entities that specify Primary and Secondary Administrative Subdivisions, these subdivision items can be directly entered and edited in the Award panel on the Main window's Log QSOs tab
Run-mode checkbox

If this box is checked, striking the enter key in the call textbox will 

If this box is checked, striking the enter key in the QSO Capture window's Call textbox will set the RST sent and RST rcvd items to 59 (if the mode is SSB or FM) or 599 (if the mode is CW, RTTY, or PSK)

Display panels in two columns when checked, panels in the Main window's Log QSOs tab are displayed side-by-side in two columns, yielding an aspect ratio more suitable for widescreen monitors
Spot split frequency when checked, outgoing spot notes will include the difference between the QSO's TX and RX frequencies unless that difference exceeds 9.9 KHz, in which case the full TX frequency  will be included
Spot IOTA, POTA, SOTA, & WWFF tags when checked, outgoing spot notes will include
  • the QSO's IOTA tag, if specified

  • the QSO's SOTA tag, if specified

  • the QSO's POTA tag, if specified in a user-defined item whose caption is set to POTA

  • the QSO's WWFF tag, if specified in a user-defined item whose caption is set to WWFF

Use DXGrid>SpotterGrid format when selected, outgoing spot notes that specify grid squares will use the DXGrid>SpotterGrid format
Use SpotterGrid<P>DXGrid format when selected, outgoing spot notes that specify grid squares will use the SpotterGrid <P> DXGrid format, where P is the Propagation indicator specified in this panel
Propagation indicator the propagation mode abbreviation included in outgoing spot notes that specify grid squares when the SpotterGrid <P> DXGrid format is selected
Call textbox place the mouse cursor in the QSO panel's Call textbox after completing an operation on the Main window's Log QSOs tab
Filter textbox place the mouse cursor in the Filter panel textbox after completing an operation on the Main window's Log QSOs tab


Miles QSO distance is displayed in miles
Kilometers QSO distance is displayed in kilometers


Capture always on top When checked, the Capture window always appears atop other windows
Capture callsign generates prop forecast When checked with DXView running, entering a callsign in the Capture window and striking the Enter or Tab key or clicking the Lookup button directs PropView (if running) to generate a propagation forecast for the station's location on the captured TX frequency
Local spot on callsign acquisition When checked with SpotCollector running, an outgoing local spot will automatically be generated entering a callsign in the Capture window and striking the Enter or Tab key 
Set QSO start when RST Rcvd When checked, automatically set the QSO start time (if not already set) when a received signal report is entered with a keystroke in the Capture window's RST rcvd textbox
Set QSO start on lookup When checked, entering a callsign in the Capture window or clicking the Capture window's Lookup button sets the QSO start time
Prompt on Capture overwrite When checked, if an action -- e.g. activating a Spot Database entry in SpotCollector-- would overwrite unsaved Capture window data from an active QSO, DXKeeper will display a dialog box allowing the user to allow or disallow the overwrite. A QSO is considered active if its start time has been set, either by clicking the Begin button or by capturing a received signal report (if Set QSO start when RST Rcvd is checked)
Prompt on Capture clear When checked, clicking the Capture window's Clear button displays a dialog box confirming the user's intention to clear the Capture window items
Use SpotCollector's callsign colors When checked, uses the colors specified in the Font Colors and Background Colors panels on the Spot Database Display tab of SpotCollector's Configuration window to set After typing a callsign into the Capture window, strike the Enter or Tab key to initiate a lookup operation that will update its font and background colors. Operations that populate the Capture window's Callsign textbox -- like double-clicking a Spot Database Entry -- will automatically update the callsign's text and background colors.

With this option enabled, if SpotCollector specifies a
background color selection that is too dark (one or more red, green, or blue components is less than 65), DXKeeper will employ its default background colors: yellow for LoTW, pink for AG, cyan for both, and white for neither.
Question Mark replacement delay (sec) Specifies the number of seconds that must expire after a Question Mark (?) key is struck in the Capture window's Call textbox after which the left-most ? character will be replaced by the next non-? character struck -- unless the asterisk (*) key is struck in the Call textbox, in which case replacement is immediate
Layout When clicked, DXKeeper's Capture Layout window is displayed, which provides row-by-row control over which items are visible in the Capture window
Colors When clicked, DXKeeper's Capture and Log Page Display Colors window is displayed, which enables you to review and modify
  • the font colors used to indicated whether and why the Callsign specified in the Capture window is needed

  • the background colors used to indicate whether the Capture window Callsign is a known participant in LoTW and/or an Authenticity-Guaranteed (AG) member of

After typing a callsign into the Capture window, strike the Enter or Tab key to initiate a lookup operation that will update its font and background colors. Operations that populate the Capture window's Callsign textbox -- like double-clicking a Spot Database Entry -- will automatically update the callsign's text and background colors.

If SpotCollector has been installed and run, you can optionally enable DXKeeper's Use SpotCollector's callsign colors option, which enables control of the font and background colors used in the Capture window's Callsign textbox via the Foreground Colors and Background Colors panels respectively on the Spot Database Display tab of SpotCollector's Configuration window.
Browser pathname textbox

if this setting is blank, DXKeeper displays online help using your PC's default HTML browser; if this setting contains the pathname of an HTML browser, DXKeeper displays online help using that browser.

Select button

displays a file selector dialog that allows you to choose a Browser pathname 

show control explanations

when checked, enables the display of explanatory information when the mouse cursor lingers over a textbox, button, checkbox, display pane, or setting.

DXCC Database panel shows the pathname and version of the DXCC database  being used by DXKeeper
IOTA Database panel shows the pathname and version of the IOTA database being used by DXKeeper
USAP Database panel shows the pathname and version of the USAP database being used by DXKeeper
RDA Database panel shows the pathname and version of the RDA database being used by DXKeeper
YASME Database panel shows the pathname and version of the YASME database being used by DXKeeper
LoTW Database panel shows the pathname and version of the LoTW database being used by DXKeeper
eQSL AG Database panel shows the pathname and version of the eQSL Authenticity Guaranteed database being used by DXKeeper

Log Tab

Pathname textbox

This textbox specifies the pathname of the current log file. To open a different log file or create a new log file, you can enter or paste the appropriate pathname into this textbox and then click the Select or Create buttons in this panel. Alternatively, you can click the Select button in this panel and use the file selector dialog to choose the log file you wish to open or create.

Note: If you start DXKeeper with a command line argument that specifies a valid pathname, DXKeeper will place this argument in the Pathname textbox and  attempt to open the designated file as a log.

Open Button

closes any open log and opens the log in the file specified by the Pathname textbox; this button is only present when the Pathname textbox specifies an existing file

Create Button

closes any open log, and creates a new log in the file specified by the Pathname textbox; this button is only present when the Pathname textbox specifies a non-existent file

If DXView has been installed on your PC, the newly-created log's progress table will be initialized using the DXCC database managed by DXView. If DXView has not been installed, the newly-created log's progress table will be initialized from the file DXCC.mdb in the Databases subfolder of your DXKeeper application folder.

Compact Button If you delete QSOs in a log, the log file can become fragmented and use disk space inefficiently. Compacting the log file re-arranges the files contents to improve storage efficiency.
Select Button displays a file selector dialog with which you can navigate to a desired folder and select a log file to open; if the selected file exists, any currently-open log is closed and the selected log file is opened
New Button displays a file selector dialog with which you can navigate to a desired folder and specify a new log file to be created; if the specified file does not exist, any currently-open log is closed, and the specified log file is created and then opened

If DXView has been installed on your PC, the newly-created log's progress table will be initialized using the DXCC database managed by DXView. If DXView has not been installed, the newly-created log's progress table will be initialized from the file DXCC.mdb in the Databases subfolder of your DXKeeper application folder.


Backup folder pathname

this textbox specifies the pathname of folder into which log backups will be stored

Select button displays a folder selector dialog with which you can select the folder into which log backups will be stored

Backup button

creates a backup copy of the current Log file in the specified backup folder pathname

Recover button replaces the contents of the current Log file with the contents of a specified backup copy 


Submission reminder

when checked, setting a needed QSO's QSL Rcvd item to 'Y' will display a dialog box reminding you to 

  • submit the QSL to the ARRL' s DXCC desk, if the QSOs' entity, entity-band, or entity-mode is needed but not confirmed

  • submit the QSL to the RSGB's IOTA desk, if the QSO's IOTA tag is needed but not confirmed

  • submit the QSL to the ARRL' s VUCC desk, if the QSOs' gridsquare-band is needed but not confirmed

  • submit the QSL to the ARRL's WAS desk if the QSO's state, state-band, or state-mode is needed but not confirmed

  • submit the QSL to the CQ's WAZ desk if the QSO's zone, zone-band, zone-mode, or zone-band-mode is needed but not confirmed

  • submit the QSL to the CQ's WPX desk if the QSO's prefix, prefix-band, or prefix-mode is needed but not confirmed

Note that an award's Realtime Award Tracking service must be enabled in order to determine whether a QSO is needed for that award.

Partial DXCC Credit when checked, a QSO's QSL Rcvd item can also be set to E, B, or M:
  • E (Entity verified)            - the card's Entity has been verified by the ARRL
  • B (Entity and Band verified)   - the card's Entity and Entity-Band have been verified by the ARRL
  • M (Entity and Mode verified)   - the card's Entity and Entity-Mode have been verified by the ARRL

(use these settings for QSL cards submitted to the DXCC desk before its records were computerized, where a card's Entity-Band and/or Entity-Mode was not recorded)

Include radio name in myQTH ID when checked, the default myQTH ID is assembled by appending the Radio Name specified for the currently-selected transceiver in Commander to the specified root myQTH ID
Update DXView on default myQTH change when checked, the latitude and longitude specified in a newly-selected default myQTH are sent to DXView, which updates its QTH latitude and longitude
DXCC account # specifies the DXCC account from which
  • the Compare function obtains your Award Credit Matrix in order to report any discrepancies with the current log's DXCC Entity, Entity-Band, and Entity-Mode verification data.

  • the DXCC Credits Granted window's Download function obtains your DXCC Credits so you can link them with logged QSOs

If you have only one DXCC account, your DXCC account number is most likely 1. If you have more than one DXCC account, you can determine the correct DXCC Account Number by using this procedure.

root myQTH ID text to which the currently-selected transceiver's Radio name is appended to assemble a default myQTH ID (only visible if the Include radio name in myQTH ID option is enabled)

default myQTH ID

identifies the myQTH ID of the operator's current QTH

  • initializes  the myQTH textbox

  • specifies the operator's current QTH when another DXLab application logs a QSO that is missing this item

note: if the words default myQTH ID are rendered in red font, there is no entry in the Main window's my QTHs tab with the specified ID


Auxiliary items checkbox

Checking this box shows the Auxiliary panel, which contains textboxes for each of the following items:

Depressing the CTRL key while checking this box will display the Log's Aux panel and decrease the number of visible Log Page Display entries rather than expand the Main window's height.

Unchecking this box  will hide the Log's Aux panel and vertically shrink the Main window; depressing the CTRL key while unchecking this box will hide the Log's Aux panel and increase the number of visible Log Page Display entries.

QSL items checkbox

Checking this box shows the the QSL panel, which contains textboxes for each of the following items:

Depressing the CTRL key while checking this box will display the Log's QSL panel and decrease the number of visible Log Page Display entries rather than expand the Main window's height.

Unchecking this box  will hide the Log's QSL panel and vertically shrink the Main window; depressing the CTRL key while unchecking this box will hide the Log's QSL panel and increase the number of visible Log Page Display entries.

Online QSL items checkbox Checking this box shows the Online QSL panel, which contains eQSL and LoTW sub-panels with textboxes for each of the following items:

Depressing the CTRL key while checking this box will display the Online Log's QSL panel and decrease the number of visible Log Page Display entries rather than expand the Main window's height.

Unchecking this box  will hide the Log's Online QSL panel and vertically shrink the Main window; depressing the CTRL key while unchecking this box will hide the Log's Online QSL panel and increase the number of visible Log Page Display entries.  

Club & QRZ checkbox Checking this box extends the height of the Online QSL panel to include Club Log and QRZ sub-panels with textboxes for each of the following items: Unchecking this box will reduce the height of the Online QSL Panel to contain only the eQSL and LoTW sub-panels
Award items checkbox

Checking this box shows the Awards panel, which contains textboxes for each of the following items:

Depressing the CTRL key while checking this box will display the Log's Awards panel and decrease the number of visible Log Page Display entries rather than expand the Main window's height.

Unchecking this box  will hide the Log's Awards panel and vertically shrink the Main window; depressing the CTRL key while unchecking this box will hide the Log's Awards panel and increase the number of visible Log Page Display entries.

Contest items checkbox

Checking this box shows the Contest panel, which contains textboxes for each of the following items:

Depressing the CTRL key while checking this box will display the Log's Contest panel and decrease the number of visible Log Page Display entries rather than expand the Main window's height.

Unchecking this box  will hide the Log's Contest panel and vertically shrink the Main window; depressing the CTRL key while unchecking this box will hide the Log's Contest panel and increase the number of visible Log Page Display entries.

Propagation items checkbox

Checking this box shows the Propagation panel, which contains textboxes for each of the following items:

Depressing the CTRL key while checking this box will display the Log's Propagation panel and decrease the number of visible Log Page Display entries rather than expand the Main window's height.

Unchecking this box  will hide the Log's Propagation panel and vertically shrink the Main window; depressing the CTRL key while unchecking this box will hide the Log's Propagation panel and increase the number of visible Log Page Display entries.

Details items checkbox Checking this box shows the Details panel, which contains textboxes for each of the following items:

Depressing the CTRL key while checking this box will display the Log's Details panel and decrease the number of visible Log Page Display entries rather than expand the Main window's height.

Unchecking this box  will hide the Log's Details panel and vertically shrink the Main window; depressing the CTRL key while unchecking this box will hide the Log's Details panel and increase the number of visible Log Page Display entries.

User-defined items checkbox Checking this box shows the User-defined panel, which lets you specify up to eight user-defined items.

Depressing the CTRL key while checking this box will display the Log's User-defined panel and decrease the number of visible Log Page Display entries rather than expand the Main window's height.

Unchecking this box  will hide the Log's User-defined panel and vertically shrink the Main window; depressing the CTRL key while unchecking this box will hide the Log's User-defined panel and increase the number of visible Log Page Display entries.

Font Button

Enables you to specify the font and font metrics (size, bold, italic) used in the Main window's Auxiliary, QSL, Online QSL, Awards, Contest and Satellite panels, and the Capture window.


Log Page Display table

Each row in this table corresponds to a column in Log Page Display. By adding or removing rows in this table, you can control which items appear (as columns) in the Log Page Display. You can also specify the caption and alignment for each item appearing in the Log Page Display.

To add an item to the Log Page Display,

  • scroll to the last row of the Log Page Display table; this row is distinguished by an asterisk in its leftmost cell

  • click in the Item cell of this last row, then click the pulldown icon (a small black triangle), and choose the item to be displayed from the resulting list (the pulldown contains ADIF field names - to correlate with items, consult the cross reference)

  • click in the Caption cell of the last row, and type the caption to be used for this item in the Log Page Display

  • click in the Align cell of the last row, then click the pulldown icon (a small black triangle), and choose item's alignment (left-justified, centered, or right-justified)

  • click in the row above the last row to complete the addition

To see the newly added item (column) in the Log Page Display, you may need to horizontally scroll the log page display or widen your DXKeeper window.

To remove a item from the log page display,

  • select the row corresponding to the item to be removed by clicking in row's leftmost cell (this cell is shaded)

  • strike the Delete key

The order in which items appear in the log page display, and the width of each column in the log page display are controlled by direct manipulation.

Colors button When clicked, DXKeeper's Capture and Log Page Display Colors window is displayed, which enables you to review and modify the Log Page Display background colors that indicate whether an entry's callsign is a known participant in LoTW and/or an Authenticity-Guaranteed (AG) member of, if enabled.

If SpotCollector has been installed and run, you can optionally enable DXKeeper's Use SpotCollector's callsign colors option, which enables control of the Log Page Display background colors via the Background Colors panel on the Spot Database Display tab of SpotCollector's Configuration window.
Font button

Enables you to specify the font and font metrics (size, bold, italic) used in the Log Page Display

Reset button Set's the Log Page Display row height and column widths to default values based on the current font size
Log Page Display layout file if specified, the pathname of a file to which the Log Page Display layout will be saved after you change any of the following:
  • which items appear in the log page display

  • the caption for each such item

  • the alignment of each such item

  • the order in which such items appear

  • the width of each item

You will  be prompted to confirm each such update to the file unless the Automatically update layout file option is enabled

Select button displays a file selector that lets you choose a Log Page Display layout file and then format the Log Page Display as specified by the selected file's contents
Save button displays a file selector that lets you choose a file into which will be saved the Log Page Display's current layout
Include Entity name with DXCC prefix when checked, 
  • the Log Page Display column configured to display the DXCCPrefix item will include both the DXCC prefix and the full name of each DXCC entity

  • the DXCC column in the generated Log Report will include both the DXCC prefix and the full name of each DXCC entity
Automatically update layout file when checked, the specified Log Page Display layout file will automatically be updated to reflect changes made to the Log Page Display layout without your approval of each such update
Indicate LoTW & eQSL AG status When checked, the background color of each entry in the Log Page Display indicates whether the entry's callsign is a known participant in LoTW and/or an Authenticity-Guaranteed member of
Frequency precision specifies the number of decimal digits shown in transmit frequencies and receive frequencies appearing in the Log Page Display; the valid range is 3 to 6.
Power precision specifies the number of decimal digits shown in the transmit power appearing in the Log Page Display; the valid range is 0 to 6.
Chronological sort order determines whether the Sort panel's UTC button, the Sync QSLs operation, and the Sync LoTW QSLs operation will sort the Log Page Display in ascending or descending order of QSO Begin time, eQSL Date Rcvd, or LoTW Date Rcvd respectively.
  • if the Sort panel's UTC sort is active, a change to the sort order is immediately effected



Awards Tab

This tab provides settings that specify the bands and modes on which you are pursuing the DXCC, Marathon, VUCC, WAS, WAZ, and WPX awards.

The Automatically recompute realtime award tracking checkbox determines whether DXKeeper will automatically update realtime award tracking information when you delete a QSO or indicate a regression in the QSO's progress, e.g. demoting its status from confirmed to worked, or from worked to unworked. If this box is unchecked, DXKeeper will not direct SpotCollector to initiate progress recomputations.

The Deduce CQ and ITU zones from US callsigns checkbox determines whether callsigns of US stations will be used to deduce CQ and ITU zones if more precise information (previous QSOs, state, ARRL section, Callbook) is unavailable and the call area fits entirely in the zone.

The Include LoTW confirmations in CQ (DX, Fields), & Maidenhead Grid progress box will, when checked, include QSOs confirmed by the ARRL's Logbook of the World (LoTW) in the CQ DX, CQ Fields, and Maidenhead Grids report.

The Include confirmations in DXCC, WAS, WAC, & Maidenhead Grid progress box will, when checked, will include QSOs confirmed by in the  the DXCC, Challenge, TOPLIST, WAS, WAC, and Maidenhead Gridsquare awards progress and reports. The ARRL, and TOPLIST do not accept confirmations for their awards, but if your personal DXing program considers confirmations to be valid, then checking this box will generate correct status.  If you change this setting, immediately running the By QSL Mode, WAS, WAC, and Maidenhead Gridsquare reports will produce correct results. However, the Progress Grid, Progress Details Grid, and all other reports will not reflect the change until you invoke the Recompute function.

DXCC Bands & Modes Panel

Checkboxes in this panel specify the bands and modes you are pursuing for the ARRL DX Century Club award (DXCC), the ARRL DX Century Club Challenge award , and/or the 425DXN Top List award. When you click the QSL tab's Add Needed button, these settings are used to identify QSOs for which QSLs would advance your progress. When you prepare a DXCC Submission, confirmed QSL cards and/or LoTW credits will only be submitted for bands and modes selected in this panel. If SpotCollector is running, the settings of these checkboxes are used to determine whether a QSO with a spotted station would advance your progress. If none of the band or mode boxes in this panel are checked, DXKeeper and SpotCollector assume that you are pursuing DXCC without focus on specific bands or modes. 

Award Program boxes to check in DXKeeper's DXCC/Top Bands & Modes panel
DXCC none
5-band DXCC 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, 10m
DXCC Challenge 160m, 80m, 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, 10m, 6m, Phone, CW, Digital
TopList 160m, 80m, 40m, 30m, 20m, 17m, 15m, 12m, 10m, Phone, CW, Digital

The User-specified digital mode family selector lets you choose a digital mode family (e.g. FT8, JT65, PSK, etc.) in which you wish to confirm every DXCC entity, independently of RTTY and any other digital modes. If you change this selector from one digital mode family to another, DXKeeper will display a small window that displays status and instructions.

Click the HF button to check the 160m through 10m band boxes; click the VHF button to check the 6m and 2m band boxes.

f the DXCC Bands & Modes Panel's QRP option is enabled, only QSO that specify a transmit power that is greater than 0 and less than or equal to 5 watts will be counted towards DXCC award progress. If you enable or disable this setting, DXKeeper will prompt you to recompute your realtime DXCC award progress.

The DXCC Bands & Modes Panel's Hide unworked in progress rprt option lets you suppress the listing of unworked DXCC entities in the DXCC Progress report.

DXCC Submission panel  

This panel provides settings that control the generation and management of DXCC submissions


Submit deleted entities when checked, QSOs that confirm deleted DXCC entities will be submitted
Record Sheet lines/page   specifies the number of lines to be printed on each page of a generated Card Record Sheet or LoTW Record Sheet report

Marathon Submission panel

When enabled this panel's Confirmed QSOs are low risk setting causes the CQ DX Marathon Progress Report function and Submission function to consider as low risk the Marathon countries and Marathon zones of QSOs confirmed via QSL card, LoTW, Authenticity-Guaranteed members of, Club Log, or QRZ to be low risk.

DXCC Credits panel

This panel's Credit-only QSO creation setting enables the generation of Credit-only QSOs from the DXCC Credits Granted window.

Realtime Award Tracking panel

The Display Progress in bold font setting determines whether information displayed in the Realtime Award Tracking window's Award Progress and Progress Details grids are displayed in bold font

Marathon Bands & Modes panel

Checkboxes in this panel specify 

Click the Year, Class, & Category button to display the Marathon Year, Class, Category, and Submission Information window, on which you can specify

If realtime award tracking for CQ DX Marathon awards is enabled and SpotCollector is running, the settings of this panel's Mixed, band, and mode checkboxes are used to determine whether a QSO with a spotted station would advance your Marathon progress. 

VUCC Bands & Modes Panel

The band checkboxes in this panel specify the bands you are pursuing for awards in the VUCC award family

The Realtime Award Progress checkbox indicates whether realtime award tracking for the VUCC award family is enabled; if unchecked, checking this box directs DXKeeper to enable realtime award tracking for VUCC in the current log. When enabled,

WPX Bands & Modes Panel

Checkboxes in this panel specify the bands and modes you are pursuing for awards in the CQ Worked All Prefixes (WPX) family

The Realtime Award Progress checkbox indicates whether realtime award tracking for the WPX award family is enabled; if unchecked, checking this box directs DXKeeper to enable realtime award tracking for WPX in the current log. When enabled,

WAS Bands & Modes Panel

Checkboxes in this panel specify the bands and modes you are pursuing for awards in the ARRL Worked All States (WAS) family

The Realtime Award Progress checkbox indicates whether realtime award tracking for the WAS award family is enabled; if unchecked, checking this box directs DXKeeper to enable realtime award tracking for WAS in the current log. When enabled,

IOTA Panel

This panel's IOTAmem4win checkbox determines whether generating an IOTA progress report will also create IOTA_Worked and IOTA_Confirmed update files for IOTAMem4WIN in DXKeeper's Reports sub-folder.

The Realtime Award Progress checkbox indicates whether realtime award tracking for the IOTA award family is enabled; if unchecked, checking this box directs DXKeeper to enable realtime award tracking for IOTA in the current log. When enabled,

Other Awards Panel

In this panel, 

WAZ Bands & Modes Panel

Checkboxes in this panel are used to specify the CQ Worked All Zones (WAZ) family awards you're pursuing.

To indicate your pursuit of a single-band mixed award, check the appropriate band box(es) in the Mixed column. Note that WAZ only defines single-band mixed awards for 160m,  6m, and (for 5-band WAZ) 80m, 40m, 20m, 15m, and 10m. 

To indicate your pursuit of the 5-band WAZ mixed award, check the 5-Band WAZ box. With the 5 Band WAZ box checked,

With the 5 Band WAZ box not checked,

To indicate your pursuit of a single-mode mixed award, check the appropriate mode box(es) in the Mixed row.

To indicate your pursuit of a single-band single-mode WAZ award, check the box at the intersection of the band row and mode column. Note that the 30m SSB, 30m AM, and 30m SSTV boxes cannot be checked.

Checking the Sat box will cause the WAZ Progress Report to display your WAZ progress with QSOs made via Satellite (QSOs whose prop mode items are set to SAT).

Checking the EME box will cause the WAZ Progress Report to display your WAZ progress with QSOs made via EME (QSOs whose prop mode items are set to EME).

The Realtime Award Progress checkbox indicates whether realtime award tracking for the WAZ award family is enabled; if unchecked, checking this box directs DXKeeper to enable realtime award tracking for WAZ in the current log. When enabled,

The Recompute button reconstructs all realtime award tracking information in the current log by examining each QSO in the current log.

Reports Tab

The Date Format panel lets you specify the format of dates used in reports, and in the headers of exported ADIF files. 

The Frequency precision setting specifies the number of decimal digits shown in frequencies appearing in Progress and Submission reports; the valid range is 3 to 6.

The DXCC Summary panel's Optional HTML textbox lets you insert HTML at the beginning of the DXCC Summary's body, prior to the data table.

In the QSL Aging panel


Callbook Tab

DXKeeper can obtain name, address, and location information for a callsign from multiple sources:

DXKeeper can optionally check a second Callbook if the first Callbook is inaccessible or does not have information for the callsign.

Your QSO partner's first name is placed in the QSO's name item. Your QSO partner's full name and postal address are placed in the QSO's address item.

Use the radio buttons in this tab's Primary Callbook panel to specify the first source of information to be used for Callbook Lookup operations.

Note: Passwords specified in the Primary Callbook panel will appear in generated errorlog.txt files when Log debugging information is enabled; do not employ passwords that you also use to secure valuable online accounts!


no callbook lookup is performed

RAC (PC) use the RAC callbook installed on your PC; specify the pathname of the folder containing the RAC's Callbook.exe file 
HamCall (PC) use the HamCall callbook installed on your PC; specify the pathname of the folder containing the HamCall database

Note: if you've installed a HamCall CD-ROM dated May 2013 or later,

  1. terminate DXKeeper, if it's running
  2. use Windows Explorer to navigate to your DXKeeper folder, and delete the file Hamcal32.dll  
  3. obtain the file  Hamcal32.dll from the HamCall web site, and place it in your DXKeeper folder
QRZ (PC) use the QRZ callbook installed on your PC; specify the pathname of the folder containing the QRZ database callbkc.dat file 

If you use QRZ's default installation location, the correct pathname will be

C:\Program Files\QRZ Ham Radio\CALLBK

HamCall Online use your subscription to; specify the callsign and password registered with, and set the HamCall Online timeout to indicate how long to wait before abandoning a request made to HamCall
HamQTH use your free registered account with HamQTH; specify the callsign and password registered with HamQTH, and set the HamQTH timeout to indicate how long to wait before abandoning a request made to HamQTH XML Data use your subscription to
  • specify the callsign and password registered with

  • set the timeout to indicate how long to wait before abandoning a request made to

  • check the Ignore geocoded grid squares, latitudes, and longitudes box if location data derived from the postal address via "geocoding" should not be used (location data provided by the callsign's owner will always be used) via Pathfinder use Pathfinder to obtain information from
  • make sure Pathfinder (version 4.2.6 or later) is running

  • set the timeout to indicate how long to wait before abandoning a request made to

  • check the Ignore geocoded grid squares, latitudes, and longitudes box if location data derived from the postal address via "geocoding" should not be used (location data provided by the callsign's owner will always be used)

  • if the Alt key is depressed while clicking the CBA button to initiate a lookup on every QSO in the Log Page Display, the rate will be limited to one lookup every 4 seconds


Use the Preferred Location Source panel to indicate which source of grid square, latitude, and longitude to utilize - the imported/received QSO, or the callbook entry for the QSO's callsign - when both sources specify valid location information

Use the Secondary Callbook panel to specify and enable a second Callbook to be queried when the first Callbook is inaccessible or does not have information for the callsign:


when checked, DXKeeper will query the specified second Callbook when the first Callbook is inaccessible or does not have information for the callsign

Callbook specifies the second Callbook to be used when the first Callbook is inaccessible or does not have information for the callsign
Warn when the primary callbook can't be accessed when checked, failure to access the primary callbook will be noted in an always-on-top warning message that appears for 10 seconds


Use these checkboxes to govern Callbook behavior:

Automatically use callbook data... checkbox

when checked

  • DXKeeper will initialize the name, QTH, primary administrative subdivision,, secondary administrative subdivision, IOTA, and grid items with the results of a successful Callbook query

  • the Capture window's Lookup button will initialize the Capture window's name, QTH, primary administrative subdivision, secondary administrative subdivision, IOTA, and grid items with the results of a successful Callbook query

Warn when a callbook lookup returns "callsign not found" when checked, a callbook lookup that fails to obtain callbook information for a callsign will display a warning message requiring confirmation
CBA generates a Callbook Lookup Actions Report when checked, if the CBA function generates and displays a report that lists all changes it made to logged QSOs


From the Capture window, you can add name, QTH information, and address information from the selected Callbook to the current QSO by clicking the Lookup button, as described above. 

Using the CBA button on the Main window's Log QSOs tab, you can update or replace name, QTH information, and address information in the current QSO or in all QSOs visible in the Log Page Display.

You can also configure DXKeeper to lookup each imported QSO in the selected callbook and the DXCC database and fill in any items not present in the imported QSO with information from these sources.


Contest tab

These settings govern DXKeeper's support for contest operation

Contest mode when contest mode is enabled,

Enabling Contest mode automatically enables Run-mode; disabling Contest mode automatically disables Run-mode

Contest mode can also be enabled or disabled via the Capture window's contest mode checkbox.

If WinWarbler is running, its contest mode setting is automatically conveyed to DXKeeper; thus to enable or disable DXKeeper's contest mode, enable or disable contest mode on WinWarbler's Configuration window's Contest tab.

Increment TX serial# when checked, increments the TX serial# after each QSO (if the Contest mode box is checked, and if the TX serial# contains a numeric value)
Place focus in RX# on DX spot activation when checked, activating a DX spot in SpotCollector, DXView or Commander will place the mouse cursor in the Capture window's RX# item if the Capture window has not been closed

if the Capture window is closed, Optimize for realtime QSO entry is checked, and New QSO on DX Spot activation is checked, then activating a DX spot will create a new QSO and display it in the Main window; if the Contest panel on the Main window's Log QSOs tab is visible, then the mouse cursor will be placed in its RX# item

Don't log Capture window Contest, TX#, RX# if contest mode disabled when checked with contest mode disabled, don't log the Capture window's Contest, TX#, and RX# items
Contest ID

the Contest Identifier recorded with each QSO, and used to select the Cabrillo template used when generating a Cabrillo log

TX serial#

the transmit serial number or exchange to be recorded with the next QSO

TX Exchange fixed portion of transmit exchange (see the table describing how Contest information is recorded to enable Cabrillo generation)


Cabrillo panel

This panel determines what information is placed in the header section of a generated Cabrillo file; some of this information is also incorporated in recorded contest exchanges, as noted in the table below. If no value for an item is specified, then its Cabrillo tag will not appear in the header section.

Item Cabrillo Tag Description
Contest CONTEST the name of the contest (initialized when you select a Contest ID)
Name NAME submitter's full name
Address ADDRESS up to 4 lines of postal address (do not include your name)
Operators OPERATORS callsigns of participating operators, separated by commas
Soapbox SOAPBOX Cabrillo Soapbox
Operator's first name your first name (used in contest exchanges)
Club CLUB name of your contest or radio club
Score CLAIMED-SCORE your claimed score in the contest (obtained from your contesting application, or manually computed)
Category CATEGORY Cabrillo category
Category Assisted CATEGORY-ASSISTED Cabrillo assistance category
Category Operator CATEGORY-OPERATOR Cabrillo operator category
Category Station CATEGORY-STATION Cabrillo station category
Category Band CATEGORY-BAND Cabrillo band category
Category Mode CATEGORY-MODE Cabrillo mode category
Category Power CATEGORY-POWER Cabrillo power category
Category Overlay CATEGORY-OVERLAY Cabrillo overlay category
Category Transmitter CATEGORY-TRANSMITTER Cabrillo transmitter category
Category Time CATEGORY-TIME Cabrillo time category
Location Section LOCATION the ARRL section from which you are operating
Location ST/PR LOCATION two-letter abbreviation for the US State or Province from which you are operating (for use in contest exchanges)
Location IOTA LOCATION Islands on the Air tag or Island Name from which you are operating (for use in contest exchanges)
Location Grid LOCATION Maidenhead Grid Square from which you are operating (for use in contest exchanges)
Location CQ LOCATION CQ Zone from which you are operating (for use in contest exchanges)
Location RDA # LOCATION RDA number from which you are operating (for use in RDXC contest exchanges)


User Items tab

DXKeeper can record up to 8 user-defined items with each QSO. This tab lets you specify a caption, style, alignment, and default value for each user-defined item. DXKeeper can generate a progress report based on each user-defined item. Note that this information is stored in the current log file, which means that different log files can employ different sets of user-defined items.



specifies the caption that appears to the left of the item in the User-defined panel on the Main window's Log QSOs tab, in the Capture window, and in WinWarbler's QSO Info panel

  • a user item progress report generated for the item will include the caption in the report's filename, so do not use characters like / or \ that are invalid in Windows filenames

Style specifies the type of information captured in the item:
Style Valid Characters
Integer digits, minus sign
Positive Integer digits
Number digits, minus sign, decimal separator
Positive Number digits, decimal separator
Alphanumeric all
Lower Alphanumeric all (letters converted to lower case)
Upper Alphanumeric all (letters converted to upper case)
Alphabetic letters
Lower Alphabetic letters (converted to lower case)
Upper Alphabetic letters (converted to upper case)
List set of legal values specified in a file
  • each line in the file specifies a value; maximum 32767 lines
  • click the Set list button to specify the file's pathname
  • user-defined items specified by a list are always left-aligned
Comma-delimited List set of legal values separated by commas, e.g.

K-8345, K-5681, K-1181, K-3425
Align specifies whether values are displayed as Left-aligned, Centered, or Right-aligned
  • user-defined items specified by a list are always left-aligned
Init If checked and the Display Previous QSOs on Lookup box is checked, then new QSOs with be initialized with information extracted from previous QSOs with the same callsign
ADIF if checked, import and export ADIF and tab-delimited files using Caption as an ADIF tag

if not checked, 

where N is the User item #.

Note: while the ADIF tag for POTA is
POTA_REF, a user-defined item whose Caption is POTA will be treated as if its Caption is POTA_REF

Default specifies an optional default value for use in initializing a new QSO in the Capture window, in the Main window's Log QSOs tab, and in WinWarbler's QSO Info panel

The List style is appropriate when a user-defined item's value is limited to a small discrete set, for example the set {Y, N}, or the set {Alinco, Elecraft, FlexRadio, Icom, Kachina, Kenwood, TenTec, Yaesu}. A text file specifying the latter set would contain 8 lines:


Its is usually appropriate to offer a choice representing "not specified"; this can be accomplished by having the first line of the specifying file be blank. When exporting a QSO, any of its user-defined items whose value is "not specified" are not included.

The Comma-delimited List style is appropriate when its necessary to record more than one identifier per QSO; POTA identifiers, for example.

When importing QSOs, you can configure DXKeeper to check each imported field not recognized by DXKeeper -- whether defined in ADIF or not  -- be against the caption specified for each user-defined item and, if a match is found, import the field's contents into the user-defined item associated with the matching caption. The field's contents are imported without regard to style. If the matching item's style is List but the imported contents are not among the specified values, the user-defined item will appear to be empty even though a value is present; change the item's style to Aphanumeric and the item's contents will be visible.

The Save user item definitions function saves the current set of user-defined item definitions to a file you choose.. The Load user item definitions function replaces the current user-defined item definitions with those from a file you choose. To copy user-defined item definitions from one log file to another,

  1. load the "source" log file

  2. invoke the Save user item definitions function

  3. load the "destination" log file

  4. invoke the Load user items definition function, and select the file created in step 2

DXKeeper can generate a progress report for the contents of a specified user-defined item so long as item name does not contain / or \ characters that cannot be included in a Windows filename.

  • any ' or " characters in the specified user item will be display as ` characters in the progress report

  • any control characters in the specified user item will be displayed as space characters in the progress report

The generated report is governed settings for each item in the Progress Report Generation panel:

Enable When checked, offer progress report generation for the user-defined item when the User progress report function is invoked
eQSL When checked, the progress report generated for the user-defined item will consider eQSL confirmations from an authenticity-guaranteed member as valid
LoTW When checked, the progress report generated for the user-defined item will consider LoTW confirmations as valid


Defaults tab

The settings on this tab are used to fill in for missing items when a QSO is logged via the Capture window, logged via the Main window's "Log QSOs" tab, or received from another application like WinWarbler or JTAlert.

To specify default values for missing items in a QSO imported from an ADIF or tab-delimited file, use the Substitutions options panel on the Main window's Import QSOs tab.

Default Callsigns panel
Station callsign

the station callsign used over the air (label is highlighted in red if maximum length is exceeded)

  • used to name the log file created when DXKeeper runs the first time after being installed

  • initializes the station call textbox 

  • specifies the station callsign when another application sends a QSO to be logged that is missing this item

The default station callsign is displayed in the Main window's title bar, enclosed by curly braces.
Operator callsign the callsign of the operator of the station (label is highlighted in red if maximum length is exceeded)
  • initializes the operator textbox
  • specifies the operator callsign when another application sends a QSO to be logged that is missing this item
Owner callsign the callsign of the owner of the station  (label is highlighted in red if maximum length is exceeded)
  • initializes the owner textbox
  • specifies the owner callsign when another application sends a QSO to be logged that is missing this item
Maintain in Log if the Station Callsign, Operator Callsign, and Owner Callsign are each specified, clicking this button
Maintain in Registry clicking this button
Show after loading log when checked, displays the Configuration window's Defaults tab whenever a log file is opened, including at DXKeeper startup

After first installation, DXKeeper maintains the Station Callsign, Operator Callsign, and Owner Callsign in the Windows Registry, along with most of its other settings. Any changes you make to these three settings are restored from the Registry the next time you start DXKeeper.

If you operate from multiple DXCC entities or maintain separate logs for a club or for station for whom you manage QSLs, then you likely maintain multiple log files, and utilize a different Station Callsign when recording QSOs to each log; you may also employ different Operator Callsigns and/or Owner Callsigns when recording QSOs to each log.

To eliminate the need to manually change these three Default Callsigns each time you change log files, you can direct DXKeeper to save them in each log file's Settings table. To save the current Station Callsign, Operator Callsign, and Owner Callsign to the currently-open log file's Settings table, click the Maintain in Log button; the caption of the Default Callsigns panel will be updated to indicate the name of the currently-log file. Whenever you subsequently open this log file, the Station Callsign, Operator Callsign, and Owner Callsign will be updated from the log file, and the Default Callsigns panel will be updated to indicate the name of the currently-log file.

If you have used the Maintain in Log button to maintain Station Callsign, Operator Callsign, and Owner Callsign settings in the current log file, any changes you make to these three settings will be save to the Windows Registry as well as to the current log file's Settings table.

Should you change your mind and no longer wish to maintain the Station Callsign, Operator Callsign, and Owner Callsign settings in the current log file, click the Maintain in Registry button. This will clear the settings for these callsigns in the current log file's Settings table; whenever you subsequently open this log file, the Station Callsign, Operator Callsign, and Owner Callsign  will remain unmodified from their previous values.

Enabling the Show after loading log option will display the Configuration window's Defaults tab whenever a log file is opened, making it easy to confirm that the correct values for Station Callsign, Operator Callsign, and Owner Callsign are specified before you begin logging new QSOs.
QTH latitude> the QTH latitude used to compute QSO distance and azimuth if no myQTH is specified, or if the specified myQTH does not include a grid square or latitude and longitude
  • initialized from the QTH latitude specified in DXView, if DXView is installed

  • double-clicking prompts you to specify a grid square, from which the QTH latitude and QTH longitude are computed

QTH longitude the QTH longitude used to compute QSO distance and azimuth if no myQTH is specified, or if the specified myQTH does not include a grid square or latitude and longitude
  • initialized from the QTH longitude specified in DXView, if DXView is installed

  • double-clicking prompts you to specify a grid square, from which the QTH latitude and QTH longitude are computed

Transmit power

transmitter power, in watts (label is highlighted in red if maximum length is exceeded); if neither Default Transmit power by band nor  Default Transmit power by mode is enabled or applicable,

RST sent & rcvd if enabled, the specified default value is used to initialize the  RST sent and RST rcvd items in the Capture window or in the Main window's Log QSOs tab. If the default value includes a slash, e.g. 59/599, characters before the slash are used with phone modes, and characters after the slash are used with non-phone modes.

if enabled with no default value specified, the RST send and RST rcvd items in the Capture window or in the Main window's Log QSOs tab are initialized to 59 for phone modes and 599 for non-phone modes.

Antenna Path


Propagation mode
Meteor shower
Email address specifies the email address included in the generated WPX Submission File
Satellite name
Satellite mode
Default QSL Message panel

A QSO's QSL msg item is printed on a QSL card or wide label generated from that QSO. This panel's QSL msg selector chooses a default QSL message from among "no message" and the eight candidate messages defined in the QSL Msgs tab. The selected message

  • when logging a QSO via the Capture window, populates the Capture window's QSL Msg selector

  • when logging a QSO via the Main window's Log QSOs tab, initializes  the QSL panel's msg item

  • supplies the QSL message used when another application logs a QSO that is missing a msg item

A QSL msg item can include one or more QSL Substitution Commands that are replaced before the message printed on a QSL card, printed on a QSL label, uploaded to, uploaded to LoTW, placed in an ADIF file from the QSL queue, placed in a tab-delimited file from the QSL queue,  or exported to an ADIF file with the Export ADIF for option selected.

You can modify one of the eight candidate message in the QSL msg selector, but the modified message will not be usable until you click the Update Candidate Message button. To display all eight candidate QSL messages, click the Review Candidate Messages button and DXKeeper will display the QSL Configuration window's QSL Msgs tab.

Default Transmit power by band panel specifies the default transmitter power, in watts, for the amateur bands from 160m through 23cm;  if enabled and the QSO's frequency lies within one of the bands for which a default is specified,
Default Transmit power by mode panel specifies the default transmitter power, in watts, for Phone, CW, RTTY, and PSK modes;  if enabled and the QSO's mode is one for which a default is specified,
Default Propagation Mode by band panel specifies the Propagation mode for the HF bands (frequency < 30 mHz), VHF bands (30 mHz < frequency < 300 mHz, and UHF bands (300 mHz < frequency);if enabled and the Satellite Name is not set to SAT,
Network Service panel Base Port specifies the first port in a range port numbers used by DXLab applications to accept external commands via TCP. DXKeeper uses the port number computed by adding 1 to the specified Base Port.  After changing the Base Port, click the Restart button.

Clicking the Default button sets the Base Port to 52000.

Clicking the Restart button restarts the TCP server.

Any errors that occur while processing commands received by DDE or TCP will be reported in the Server Log window.
  • to immediately display the Server Log window, click the Display Log button

  • to record incoming requests in the Server Log in addition to error reports, check the Log all transactions box



Defining Bands

DXKeeper is driven by a set of band definitions contained in a file. Any attempt to log a QSO on a frequency not falling within a defined band will be flagged.

At startup, DXKeeper checks its Databases folder for the file Bands.txt ; if found, the contents of this file are interpreted as user-defined band specifications in the format shown below.  If Bands.txt is not found, then DXKeeper checks its Databases folder for the file DefaultBands.txt, which every DXKeeper release installs. DefaultBands.txt, is a file containing one line per band:

2190M, 0.136,0.137
160M, 1.800, 2.000
80M, 3.500,4.000
60M, 5.3305,5.405
40M, 7.000,7.350
30M, 10.100, 10.150
20M, 14.000, 14.350
17M, 18.068, 18.168
15M, 21.000, 21.450
12M, 24.890, 24.990
10M, 28.000, 29.900
6M, 50.000, 54.000
4M, 70.0, 71.0
2M, 144.000, 148.000
70CM, 420.0, 450.0
33CM, 902.0, 928.0
23CM, 1240, 1300
9CM, 3300, 3500
6CM, 5650, 5925
3CM, 10000, 10500
6MM, 47000, 47200
4MM, 75500, 81000
2.5MM, 119980,120020
2MM, 142000, 149000
1MM, 241000,250000
SUBMM, 300000,1000000

Each line contains three parameters, separated by commas: the band name, the band's lower edge in megahertz, and the band's upper edge in megahertz. The band name cannot exceed its defined maximum length.

To add or subtract bands, make a copy of DefaultBands.txt in DXKeeper's Databases folder and name this copy Bands.txt. Delete or add lines in  Bands.txt as required, ensuring that

  • each band's lower band edge is less than its upper band edge

  • the upper band edge defined on one line is less than the lower band edge defined on the next line

Be sure to make your changes in Bands.txt as  DefaultBands.txt will be overwritten by the next DXKeeper release. After making changes to  Bands.txt, restart DXKeeper.

Defining or Eliminating Modes

DXKeeper provides built-in support for six modes: SSB, CW, RTTY, AM, FM, and PSK31. At startup, DXKeeper checks its Databases folder for the file Modes.txt ; if found, the contents of this file are interpreted as user-defined mode specifications, as described below.  If Modes.txt is not found, then DXKeeper checks its Databases folder for the file DefaultModes.txt  and if found interprets its contents as user-defined mode specifications. Every DXKeeper release installs a  DefaultModes.txt  file that contains the following mode specifications:

Mode Name DXCC Phone credit DXCC CW credit DXCC Digital credit WAZ RTTY credit WAZ Digital credit WPX SSB credit WPX CW credit WPX Digital credit WAS Digital credit Digital Mode Family ADIF
8PSK125 a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:7>8PSK125
8PSK125F     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:8>8PSK125F
8PSK125FL     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:9>8PSK125FL
8PSK250     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:7>8PSK
8PSK250F     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:8>8PSKF
8PSK250FL     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:9>8PSKFL
8PSK500     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:7>8PSK500
8PSK500F     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:8>8PSK500:
8PSK1000     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE8:>8PSK1000
8PSK1000F     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:9>8PSK1000F
8PSK1200F     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:9>8PSK1200F
ARDOP     a   a     a a   <MODE:5>ARDOP
C4FM                     <MODE:12>DIGITALVOICE<SUBMODE:4>C4FM
CLO a a a a   <MODE:3>CLO
DMR                     <MODE:12>DIGITALVOICE<SUBMODE:3>DMR
FSK441 a a a a <MODE:6>FSK441
FST4     a a a a FST4 <MODE:4>MFSK <SUBMODE:4>FST4
FT4     a   a     a a FT4 <MODE:4>MFSK <SUBMODE:3>FT4
FT8     a   a     a a FT8 <MODE:3>FT8
JS8     a   a     a a MFSK <MODE:4>MFSK<SUBMODE:3>JS8
JT4     a   a     a a JT4 <MODE:3>JT4
JT44 a a a a JT4 <MODE:4>JT44
JT4A a a a a JT4 <MODE:3>JT4<SUBMODE:4>JT4A
JT4B a a a a JT4 <MODE:3>JT4<SUBMODE:4>JT4B
JT4C a a a a JT4 <MODE:3>JT4<SUBMODE:4>JT4C
JT4D a a a a JT4 <MODE:3>JT4<SUBMODE:4>JT4D
JT4E a a a a JT4 <MODE:3>JT4<SUBMODE:4>JT4E
JT4F a a a a JT4 <MODE:3>JT4<SUBMODE:4>JT4F
JT4G a a a a JT4 <MODE:3>JT4<SUBMODE:4>JT4G
JT65 a a a a JT65 <MODE:4>JT65
JT65A a a a a JT65 <MODE:4>JT65<SUBMODE:5>JT65A
JT65B a a a a JT65 <MODE:4>JT65<SUBMODE:5>JT65B
JT65C a a a a JT65 <MODE:4>JT65<SUBMODE:5>JT65D
JT6M     a   a     a a   <MODE:4>JT6M
JT9     a   a     a a JT9 <MODE:3>JT9
MFSK     a   a     a a MFSK <MODE:4>MFSK
MSK144     a   a     a a MFSK <MODE:6>MSK144
MT63 a a a a <MODE:4>MT63
OPERA     a   a     a a   <MODE:6>OPERA
PAC a a a a PAC <MODE:3>PAC
PAX a a a a PAX <MODE:3>PAX
PKT a a a a   <MODE:3>PKT
PSK     a   a     a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK
PSK2K     a   a     a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:5>PSK2K
PSK63RC20     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:9>PSK63RC20
PSK63RC32     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:9>PSK63RC32
PSK63RC4     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:8>PSK63RC4
PSK63RC5     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:8>PSK63RC5
PSK63RC10     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:9>PSK63RC10
PSK125 a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:6>PSK125
PSK125RC10     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:10>PSK125RC10
PSK125RC12     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:10>PSK125RC12
PSK125RC16     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:10>PSK125RC16
PSK125RC4     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:9>PSK125RC4
PSK125RC5     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:9>PSK125RC5
PSK250RC2     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:9>PSK250RC2
PSK250RC3     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:9>PSK250RC3
PSK250RC5     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:9>PSK250RC5
PSK250RC6     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:9>PSK250RC6
PSK250RC7     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:9>PSK250RC7
PSK500RC2     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:9>PSK500RC2
PSK500RC3     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:9>PSK500RC3
PSK500RC4     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:9>PSK500RC4
PSK800RC2     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:9>PSK800RC2
PSK1000RC2     a a a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:10>PSK1000RC2
Q15 a <MODE:3>Q15
Q65     a a a a MFSK <MODE:4>MFSK<SUBMODE:3>Q65
QRA64     a   a     a a QRA64 <MODE:5>QRA64
QRA64A     a   a     a a QRA64 <MODE:5>QRA64<SUBMODE:6>QRA64A
QRA64B     a   a     a a QRA64 <MODE:5>QRA64<SUBMODE:6>QRA64B
QRA64C a a v a QRA64 <MODE:5>QRA64<SUBMODE:6>QRA64C
QRA64D     a   a     a a QRA64 <MODE:5>QRA64<SUBMODE:6>QRA64D
QRA64E     a   a     a a QRA64 <MODE:5>QRA64<SUBMODE:6>QRA64E
ROS a a a   <MODE:3>ROS
SIM31     a   a     a a PSK <MODE:3>PSK<SUBMODE:4>SIM31
T10     a   a     a a   <MODE:3>T10
THOR     a   a     a a THOR <MODE:4>THOR
THOR100     a a a a THOR <MODE:4>THOR<SUBMODE:7>THOR100
TOR a a a a   <MODE:3>TOR
VARA FM 1200                   DYNAMIC MODE:7>DYNAMIC<SUBMODE:12>VARA FM 1200>
VARA FM 9600                   DYNAMIC MODE:7>DYNAMIC<SUBMODE:12>VARA FM 1200>
VOI a a a a   <MODE:3>VOI
V4 a a a a   <MODE:2>V4
WSPR a a a a   <MODE:4>WSPR

*DXKeeper considers DIGVOICE a PHONE mode for purposes of CQ DX Marathon and WAS award tracking. 

The ADIF column in the above table shows the ADIF representation for each mode that DXKeeper recognizes when importing and emits when exporting. When importing, DXKeeper will also recognize each mode in the table in a <MODE> tab. When importing, for example, both <MODE:5>THRBX and <MODE:4>THRB<SUBMODE:5>THRBX will create a new QSO whose Mode item is set to THRBX.

Users wishing to define additional modes or remove modes that aren't built-in can do so by creating the file Modes.txt in DXKeeper's Databases folder. The specification format used in DefaultModes.txt and Modes.txt is identical: each line of the file specifies a mode's name, followed optionally by a list of awards for which QSOs in the mode produce credit; the mode name and optional awards are separated by commas. The mode name cannot exceed its defined maximum length. Valid award designators are shown in the following table:

Award Designator Meaning
DXCC_Phone QSOs in this mode "count" for DXCC Phone credit
DXCC_CW QSOs in this mode "count" for DXCC CW credit
DXCC_DIGI QSOs in this mode "count" for DXCC Digital credit
DXCC_RTTY QSOs in this mode "count" for DXCC Digital credit
WAS_DIGITAL QSOs in this mode "count" for WAS Digital credit
WAZ_RTTY QSOs in this mode "count" for WAZ  RTTY credit
WAZ_DIGITAL QSOs in this mode "count" for WAZ   Digital credit
WPX_Phone QSOs in this mode "count" for WPX Phone credit
WPX_CW QSOs in this mode "count" for WPX CW credit
WPX_Digital QSOs in this mode "count" for WPX Digital credit
PSK QSOs in this mode "count" for PSK credit

Thus, the first line of the file DefaultModes.txt, which is


defines the new mode ASCI, and specifies that QSOs in ASCI  should be credited as DXCC RTTY and WAZ RTTY QSOs.

A new mode added to Modes.txt that is defined in ADIF as a submode will be imported and exported using the ADIF MODE and SUBMODE tags; for example, if PAC4 were added, it would be imported and exported with  <MODE:3>PAC<SUBMODE:4>PAC4. A new mode added to Modes.txt that is not defined in ADIF will be imported and exported with the ADIF MODE tag; for example, if SHAZAM were added, it would be imported and exported with <MODE:6>SHAZAM.

The easiest way to create a custom Modes.txt file is by starting with a copy of  DefaultModes.txt and editing as required. Be sure to make your changes in Modes.txt as  DefaultModes.txt will be overwritten by the next DXKeeper release. After making changes to  Modes.txt, restart DXKeeper.


Defining Satellite Names

At startup, DXKeeper checks its Databases folder for the file Satellites.txt ; if found, the contents of this file are interpreted as user-satellite names, in a one-name-per-line format. If Satellites.txt is not found, then DXKeeper checks its Databases folder for the file DefaultSatellites.txt, which every DXKeeper release installs. DefaultSatellites.txt, is a file containing one line per band:


To add or subtract satellite names, make a copy of DefaultSatellites.txt in DXKeeper's Databases folder and name this copy Satellites.txt. Delete or add lines in Satellites.txt as required. Be sure to make your changes in Satellites.txt as  DefaultSatellites.txt will be overwritten by the next DXKeeper release. After making changes to  Satellites.txt, restart DXKeeper.


Defining Satellite Modes

At startup, DXKeeper checks its Databases folder for the file SatellitesModes.txt ; if found, the contents of this file are interpreted as user-satellite modes, in a one-mode-per-line format, and are loaded into DXKeeper's Satellite Mode selectors in the Capture window and in the Propagation panel on the Main window's Log QSOs tab. If the file SatellitesModes.txt is not found in DXKeeper's Databases folder, then the Satellite Mode selectors are loaded with these modes:


Capture Layout window

This window provides row-by-row control over which items are visible in the Capture window. Items in the Capture window are displayed in 18 rows of controls - textboxes, selectors, and checkboxes. The first row's items - callsign and DXCC prefix - are always displayed. This window's 17 Enable row checkboxes determine which of the items in rows 2 through 18 are also displayed.

Clicking the Enable All Rows button checks every Enable row box, making all Capture items visible.

Clicking the Disable All Rows button unchecks every Enable row box, shrinking the Capture window to display on the Callsign and DXCC prefix items.

With a useful subset of Enable row boxes checked, click one of the four Save buttons in the Saved Layouts panel will save the current Capture window layout for later restoration by clicking its associated Select button; the Notes boxes can be used to describe each saved layout.

The Capture Layout window can be displayed by clicking the Cfg button in top right corner of the Capture window, or by clicking the Layout button in the Capture options panel on the Configuration window's General tab.

Capture and Log Page Display Colors window

This window governs the font colors used to indicate "award need" for the Capture window callsign and the font background colors used to indicate eQSL Authenticity-Guaranteed (AG)  and  LoTW participation in both the Capture window callsign textbox and in the Log Page Display.

To display this window, click the Colors button in the Capture options panel on the Configuration window's General tab, or the Colors button in the Log Page Display panel on the Configuration window's Log tab.

This window contains two panels and a Reset button:

  • The Capture Callsign font colors panel displays the font colors used to indicate "award need" for the Capture window callsign, and provides the ability to modify those colors:

    Category Meaning Default Color
    Verified DX stations to which award credit has been granted for all pursued DX Counters dark green
    Unneeded DX stations confirmed for each pursued DX Counter black
    Unconfirmed DX stations that are unconfirmed for at least one pursued DX Counter blue
    Unworked DX Band or Mode having an unworked band or mode for at least one pursued DX Counter red
    Unworked DX Counter stations in at least one unworked pursued DX Counte red
    Tagged Special Callsign tagged Special Callsigns magenta

    Each font color category's colored square shows the font color used to depict the Capture window callsign. To change a category's font color, click its button, and a standard Windows color selection window will appear.

  • The Capture Callsign and Log Page Display background colors panel displays the font background colors used to indicate eQSL Authenticity-Guaranteed (AG)  and  LoTW participation in both the Capture window callsign textbox and - if enabled - in the Log Page Display:

    Category Meaning Default Color
    Normal stations not known to participate in eQSL AG or LoTW white
    LoTW stations known to participate in LoTW yellow
    eQSL stations known to participate in eQSL AG pink
    Both stations known to participate in both eQSL AG and LoTW cyan

    Each background color category's colored square shows the font color used to depict the Capture window callsign. To change a category's font color, click its button, and a standard Windows color selection window will appear.

  • Clicking the Reset button will disable the Use SpotCollector's callsigns colors option and set each color to its default value.

After typing a callsign into the Capture window, strike the Enter or Tab key to initiate a lookup operation that will update its font and background colors. Operations that populate the Capture window's Callsign textbox -- like double-clicking a Spot Database Entry -- will automatically update the callsign's text and background colors.

If SpotCollector has not been installed and run, then this window's panels provide exclusive control over Capture window font and background colors, and over Log Page Display background colors. If SpotCollector has been installed and run, enabling the Use SpotCollector's callsigns colors option will cause the colors in the Capture and Log Page Display Colors window to automatically follow the colors specified in the Font Colors and Background Colors panels on the Spot Database Display tab of SpotCollector's Configuration window. Modifying a color in the Capture and Log Page Display Colors window will disable the Use SpotCollector's callsigns colors option.

With the  Use SpotCollector's callsigns colors  option enabled, if SpotCollector specifies a
background color selection that is too dark (one or more red, green, or blue components is less than 65), DXKeeper will employ its default background colors: yellow for LoTW, pink for AG, cyan for both, and white for neither.


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