QSL Configuration

DXKeeper Online Help Contents

Configuring DXKeeper is primarily accomplished via the Configuration window and the QSL Configuration window. 

DXKeeper's QSL Configuration window presents 12 tabs: 

General Tab

The Options panel provides the ability to set default values for the Capture window's QSL requested and use bureau checkboxes, and to enable the confirmation of multiple QSLs on each QSL card or label:


Preset 'QSL Requested' checkbox 

When checked, the Capture window's QSL requested checkbox will be set for each new QSO

Preset 'use bureau' checkbox When checked, the Capture window's use bureau checkbox will be set for each new QSO
Initialize QSL Sent to 'R' for each imported QSO When checked, each imported QSO's QSL Sent item will be set to 'R' unless the imported value is 'Y'
Outgoing QSLs request confirmation unless already confirmed When checked, each outgoing QSL card or label will requests a confirmation by displaying 'please!' or 'pse!' respectively unless the QSO has already been confirmed; changing this setting has no affect on QSOs already present in the QSL Queue
Confirm multiple QSOs per QSL
  • when checked, multiple QSOs will be confirmed on each QSL card, Reply card, and label as long as the Operator and myQTH fields match, and as long as there is space on the card or label

  • when unchecked, each QSL card or label will confirm exactly one QSO

Prompt on change to logged QSO already uploaded to Club Log, eQSL.cc, LoTW, or QRZ When checked, modification of a QSO's item that impacts a QSLing service (Club Log, eQSL.cc, LoTW, or QRZ) to which it has already been uploaded will display a reminder to re-upload the QSO after changes have been completed and saved
Upload QSOs whose callsigns begin with ! when checked, QSOs with callsigns whose first character is ! can be added to the QSL Queue and uploaded to Club Log, eQSL, LOTW, or QRZ; the ! will be removed from such callsigns that appear in QSL media media printed from the QSL Queue, in files exported from the QSL Queue, or in QSOs uploaded to Club Log, eQSL, LOTW, or QRZ

The Add Needed panel controls the operation of the Add Needed function:

Add Needed requests all with same call when checked, the Add Needed function will, on adding to the QSL Queue a QSO whose confirmation is needed, also add to the QSL Queue all QSOs with that station that haven't been confirmed by QSL card
Add Needed requests all with same mgr when checked, the Add Needed function will, on adding to the QSL Queue a QSO whose confirmation is needed, also add to the QSL Queue all QSOs with that QSO's QSL manager  that haven't been confirmed by QSL card
Add Needed sets Sent Via to 'B' (for Bureau) when checked, the Add Needed function sets each needed QSO's Sent Via item to B (for Bureau) before adding it to the QSL Queue
Add Needed sets Sent Via to 'D' (for Direct mail) when checked, the Add Needed function sets each needed QSO's Sent Via item to D (for Direct mail) before adding it to the QSL Queue
Add Needed sets Sent Via to 'E' (for Electronic File Transfer) when checked, the Add Needed function sets each needed QSO's Sent Via item to E (for Electronic File Transfer) before adding it to the QSL Queue
Add Needed sets Sent Via to 'R' (for Reply Card) when checked, the Add Needed function sets each needed QSO's Sent Via item to R (for Reply Card) before adding it to the QSL Queue
Awards the Add Needed function will populate the QSL Queue with confirmation requests needed for each award whose box in this panel is checked

The Add Requested panel controls the operation of the Add Requested function:

Add Requested never request confirmation when checked, QSL cards or labels generated from QSOs added to the QSL Queue by the Add Requested function will not include 'please!' or 'pse!' in their QSL column
Add Requested no dup band-modes when checked, the Add Requested function won't generate a QSL Queue entry unless doing so would give the receiving station a new confirmed band or mode, or unless the QSL Via panel is set to LoTW or eQSL.cc
Add Requested sets Sent Via to 'B' (for Bureau) when checked, the Add Requested function sets each needed QSO's Sent Via item to B (for Bureau) before adding it to the QSL Queue
Add Requested sets Sent Via to 'D' (for Direct mail) when checked, the Add Requested function sets each needed QSO's Sent Via item to D (for Direct mail) before adding it to the QSL Queue
Add Requested sets Sent Via to 'E' (for Electronic File Transfer) when checked, the Add Requested function sets each needed QSO's Sent Via item to E (for  Electronic File Transfer) before adding it to the QSL Queue

The Sync All panel determines which  online confirmation services are processed by the Sync All function in this sequence:

  1. eQSL - when checked, the Sync All function invokes the Sync eQSL QSLs function

  2. LoTW - when checked, the Sync All function invokes the Sync LoTW QSOs function followed by the Sync LoTW QSLs function

  3. upload to Club Log & QRZ - when checked, the Sync All function invokes the

  4. Club Log - when checked, the Sync All function invokes the Sync Club Log QSLs function

  5. QRZ - when checked, the Sync All function invokes the Sync QRZ QSLs function

The QSL Date Format panel selects the date format used on QSL cards, Reply cards, QSL labels, and in tab-delimited files exported from the QSL Queue or exported from the Log Page Display.

The Address report panel provides a Report one address per callsign option that when enabled limits the generated Address File to report a callsign's address once, no matter how many entries are present for that callsign in the QSL Queue; if this option is disabled, an address is reported for each entry in the QSL Queue.

Cards Tab

The Page Layout panel lets you specify whether DXKeeper prints 

If you choose 4 cards per page, guides that make it easier to separate the cards will be printed if you check the Page Layout panel's print separation guides box.

This tab's Frequency panel allows you to specify whether generated QSL cards and Reply cards show a QSO's frequency or its band.

This tab's Card Dimensions panel allows you to specify the geometry of each card, and the separation between the two rows of cards printed four cards per page:

Width the width of each QSL card in inches or millimeters as specified by the Inches and Millimeters selectors

the height of each QSL card in inches or millimeters as specified by the Inches and Millimeters selectors

Side border the width of the left and right side border of each card in inches or millimeters as specified by the Inches and Millimeters selectors
Top border the width of the top border of each card in inches or millimeters as specified by the Inches and Millimeters selectors
2nd row offset the separation between the top row of cards and the bottom row of cards printed four cards per page

Additional panels on this tab provide control of information printed on QSL cards generated by DXKeeper. You can individually specify the font name, metrics (size, bold, italic), and color of the station callsign, confirmation statement, QSO information, and the text positioned in each corner of the card. Double-clicking a font name, size, or color control displays a dialog box that facilitates selection of the desired parameters.

You can also specify the pathname of a file containing a background image in BMP format to be printed on QSL cards.You can use Microsoft Paint to open a file in JPG format and save it in BMP format.  If the Background Image panel's Enable box is checked, then DXKeeper will compute an image size in pixels from the printable area dimensions reported by the selected printer's driver, the specified card Width and Height, and your monitor resolution; the computed image size is displayed at the top of the Print Preview window. If the selected printer's driver reports left and top margins of 0, then background image will cover the entire QSL card; otherwise, there will be side margins equal to the printer's left margin, and top/bottom margins matching the printer's top margin. The selected background image will be adjusted to fit; an image whose pixel size exactly matches the computed image size shown at the top of the Print Preview window will not be adjusted -- otherwise, re-sampling and/or changes to the image's aspect ratio may be required. 

If you are printing QSL cards on blank cardstock either without a background image or with a background image that does not include the station callsign, check the Station Callsign panel's Display box so that DXKeeper will print each QSO's station callsign. If the Below Upper Text box is unchecked, the station callsign with be printed  at the top-center of each card; if this box is checked, the station callsign will be printed in the center of each QSL card below the fourth line of Upper Text  -- allowing more or larger text in the Upper Left and Upper Right text boxes, but reducing the number of QSOs that can be confirmed on a single QSL card. Note that the callsign printed is taken from the QSO's station call item, not the from the default station callsign; this allows you to operate with multiple callsigns within the same log -- e.g. AA6YQ and AA6YQ/1 -- and print the correct callsign on each card. 

If you are printing QSL cards or Reply cards on cardstock preprinted with your callsign or using a background image that includes the station callsign, then uncheck the Station Callsign panel's Display box.

If you want the contents of the QSO's Via item to be appended to the Confirmation information if those contents are a valid callsign, check the Confirmation panel's Include QSL Manager box. If you want [x buro] (where x is the DXCC prefix for the destination QSL bureau) appended to the Confirmation information if the QSL is to be sent via the QSL bureau, check the Confirmation panel's Include [buro] box.

Below the Confirmation information, DXKeeper will print a table consisting of a row of Heading text followed by one row of Information text for each QSO being confirmed. The QSO Information panel lets you specify the color of the font used to display text in the Heading row, and separately specify the color of the font used to display text in the QSO Information rows. If you'd like the table's rows and columns to be separated by lines, check the QSO Information panel's print grid lines box, and specify the color to be used to render these lines.

Information from the following QSL Information textboxes is printed on every QSL card using the specified font parameters and color:

Upper Left Text

up to 4 lines of text positioned in the card's upper left corner

Upper Right Text

up to 4 lines of text positioned in the card's upper right corner

Lower Left Text

up to 1 lines of text positioned in the card's lower left corner

Lower Right Text

up to 1 lines of text positioned in the card's lower right corner

Typically, these QSL Information  text boxes are used to print information about your QTH -- your city, county, state, grid-square, etc. If you are printing QSL cards on cardstock preprinted with your QTH information, then simply leave the QSL Information  text boxes blank. If you always operate from the same place, then you can directly enter your QTH information. But if you operate from multiple locations and want your QSL cards to accurately indicate the QTH from which you made the QSO, then you must

  1.  specify each QTH, assigning each a unique identifier

  2. make sure that each QSO's myQTH field contains the identifier for the QTH from which that QSO was made

  3. use appropriate QSL substitution commands in the QSL information fields

By using QSL substitution commands in the QSL Information textboxes, you can establish one QSL card style that will correctly print QSL cards for QSOs made from a variety of locations. Each substitution command found in a QSL Information textbox is replaced by the appropriate information for the QTH from which the current QSO was made.

Information is printed in the four corners of a Reply card using 8-point Arial font:

The font colors used to display the above information are specified by the Upper Left Text Font color, Upper Right Text Font color, Lower Left Text Font color, and Lower Right Text Font color settings, respectively.

Font metrics for a Reply card's Station Callsign and Confirmation line are specified by the Station Callsign and Confirmation panel settings, respectively. The Station Callsign panel's Below Upper Text setting is ignored when generating Reply Cards, as are the Confirmation panel's Include QSL Manager and Include [buro] settings.

QSL Labels Tab

Each QSL label is composed of a Confirmation line and a table consisting of a Heading row and one row of QSO Information for each confirmed QSO.  You can individually control the font name, font metrics (size, bold, italic), and font color of each of these elements with the Confirmation Font, Heading Font, and QSO Information Font boxes at the bottom of the tab. Double-clicking a font name, font size, or font color control displays a dialog box that facilitates selection of the desired parameters.  If you'd like the table's rows and columns to be separated by lines, check the print grid lines box.

This tab's Frequency panel allows you to specify whether generated QSL labels show a QSO's frequency or its band.

The following settings are used in the Single Address Labels, 2-column Address Labels, and 3-column Address Labels panels to specify the geometry of the QSL labels you're using.. Sample settings are available here.

Label model # manufacturer's model number for the label in use (serves as a reminder to the user)
Labels per column

the number of labels in each column

Row 1 offset

distance from the top edge of the label sheet to the top of the first row of label, in inches or millimeters as specified by the Units panel

Row height

distance from the top edge of the one row of labels to the top edge of the next row of label, in inches or millimeters as specified by the Units panel

Column 1 offset

distance from the left edge of the label sheet to the left edge of the first label column, in inches or millimeters as specified by the Units panel

Column 2 offset

distance from the left edge of the label sheet to the left edge of the second label column, in inches or millimeters as specified by the Units panel; if 0, only 1 column of labels per page are printed

Column 3 offset

distance from the left edge of the label sheet to the left edge of the third label column, in inches or millimeters as specified by the Units panel; if 0, only 2 columns of labels per page are printed

Label height the height of each label, in inches or millimeters as specified by the Units panel (Single QSL labels only)
Label width

the width of each label, in inches or millimeters as specified by the Units panel

Include QSL Mgr in confirmation When checked, the contents of the QSO's Via item will be appended to the Confirmation line if the contents are a valid callsign (single labels and 2-column labels only)
Include [buro] in confirmation When checked, [x buro] (where x is the DXCC prefix for the destination QSL bureau) will be appended to the Confirmation line if the QSL is to be sent via the QSL bureau (single labels and 2-column labels only)
Include QSL Mgr & Pse/Tnx QSL When checked, places the following information along the bottom margin of each 3-wide label using the font metrics specified in the Bottom Line Font panel:
  • the contents of the QSO's Via item if it is a valid callsign

  • if all QSOs on the label have been confirmed, 'tnx QSL'; otherwise, 'pse QSL!' 

Include [buro] When checked, [x buro] (where x is the DXCC prefix for the destination QSL bureau) will be printed along the bottom of  3-wide label using the font metrics specified in the Bottom Line Font panel if the QSL is to be sent via the QSL bureau and Include QSL Mgr & Pse/Tnx QSL is enabled (3-column labels only)


Envelopes Tab

You can print envelopes for conveying QSL cards to your QSO partner ("DX Envelopes") bearing addresses extracted from logged QSOs, and envelopes bearing your address ("Self-addressed Envelopes").

The following settings are used to specify the geometry of DX envelopes to be addressed, the location of the address on the envelope, and the return address to be printed. 

return address

your return address (up to 5 lines)

top margin

distance from the printer's top of page to the top edge of the envelope, in inches or millimeters as specified by the Units panel

left margin

distance from the printer's left edge to the left edge of the envelope, in inches or millimeters as specified by the Units panel

address top offset

distance from the top edge of the envelope to the first address line, in inches or millimeters as specified by the Units panel

address left offset

distance from the left edge of the envelope to the left edge of the address, in inches or millimeters as specified by the Units panel

airmail Indicator

check to have "Airmail, Par Avion" printed on each envelope

return Address font specifies the font name, metrics (size, bold, italic), and color used to print the return address
DX Address font specifies the font name, metrics (size, bold, italic), and color used to print the DX address
Append callsign to first line of address check to append the callsign to the first line of the address
Print DX address in upper case check to force the DX address to be printed in upper case

If you always operate from the same place, then you can directly enter your return address; even if you operate from multiple locations, you may want all QSLs returned to the same address. But if you operate from multiple locations and want QSL cards returned to the location from which you operated, you must

  1.  specify each QTH, assigning each a unique identifier
  2. make sure that each QSO's myQTH field contains the identifier for the QTH from which that QSO was made
  3. use appropriate substitution commands in the return address

By using the following substitution commands in the return address field, you can establish one return address specification that will correctly print envelopes whose return addresses are specified by the operating location. Each substitution command found in a return address field is replaced by the appropriate information for the QTH from which the current QSO was made, as shown in the following table:




the QTH's street address


the QTH's city


the QTH's county


the QTH's state


the QTH's postal code


the QTH's country

Self-addressed envelopes bear the return address specified in the DX Envelope panel. The DX Envelope panel's top margin and left margin settings and the following additional settings specify the geometry of Self-Addressed Envelopes:

address top offset

distance from the top edge of the envelope to the first address line, in inches or millimeters as specified by the Units panel

address left offset distance from the left edge of the envelope to the left edge of the address, in inches or millimeters as specified by the Units panel
address font specifies the font name, metrics (size, bold, italic), and color used to print the address
airmail indicator check to have "Airmail, Par Avion" printed on each envelope

The Printer Orientation panel determines whether DX Envelopes and Self-address Envelopes are printed in "portrait" or "landscape" orientation.


Address Labels Tab

The following settings are used in the Single Address Labels, 2-column Address Labels, and 3-column Address Labels panels to specify the geometry of the address labels you're using.

Label model # manufacturer's model number for the label in use (serves as a reminder to the user)
Labels per column

the number of labels in each column

Row 1 offset

distance from the top edge of the label sheet to the top of the first row of label, in inches or millimeters as specified by the Units panel

Row height

distance from the top edge of the one row of labels to the top edge of the next row of label, in inches or millimeters as specified by the Units panel

Column 1 offset

distance from the left edge of the label sheet to the left edge of the first label column, in inches or millimeters as specified by the Units panel

Column 2 offset

distance from the left edge of the label sheet to the left edge of the second label column, in inches or millimeters as specified by the Units panel; if 0, only 1 column of labels per page are printed

Column 3 offset

distance from the left edge of the label sheet to the left edge of the third label column, in inches or millimeters as specified by the Units panel; if 0, only 2 columns of labels per page are printed

Label height the height of each label, in inches or millimeters as specified by the Units panel (Single address labels only)
Label width

the width of each label, in inches or millimeters as specified by the Units panel

The Units panel determines whether dimensions in the Single Address Labels, 2-column Address Labels, and 3-column Address Labels panels are specified in inches or millimeters.

The Append callsign to first line of address option, when enabled, appends the callsign to the first line of the address

The Print DX address in upper case option forces the DX address to be printed in upper case.

The Return Address panel specifies up to 5 lines of address to be printed on self-addressed Single Address Labels, 2-column Address Labels, and 3-column Address Labels. If you always operate from the same place, then you can directly enter your return address; even if you operate from multiple locations, you may want all QSLs returned to the same address. But if you operate from multiple locations and want QSL cards returned to the location from which you operated, you must

  1.  specify each QTH, assigning each a unique identifier
  2. make sure that each QSO's myQTH field contains the identifier for the QTH from which that QSO was made
  3. use appropriate substitution commands in the return address

By using the following substitution commands in the return address field, you can establish one return address specification that will correctly print envelopes whose return addresses are specified by the operating location. Each substitution command found in a return address field is replaced by the appropriate information for the QTH from which the current QSO was made, as shown in the following table:




the QTH's street address


the QTH's city


the QTH's county


the QTH's state


the QTH's postal code


the QTH's country


QSL Msgs Tab

This tab provides 8 candidate QSL messages, any one of which can be selected as the default QSL message via the Defaults tab's QSL msg selector. You can also chose from among these messages using the Capture window's QSL msg selector. Double-clicking one of these messages invokes an editor window that's helpful when modifying a long QSL message. A QSL message's label will be highlighted in red if the maximum length is exceeded.

You can use substitution commands in QSL messages to include information determined by your current location.

eQSL Tab

eQSL Settings denoted with an asterisk * are stored in a log file:

Note: The Username and Password specified in this tab will appear in generated errorlog.txt files when Log debugging information is enabled; do not employ a username or password that you also use to secure valuable online accounts!

Username *

your eQSL.cc username


your eQSL.cc password, concealed by * characters; clicking the ? button reveals the password

Note: eQSL.cc passwords can be no longer than 14 characters

Update button when clicked, displays the eQSL Account window, which enables you to specify or modify the username or password to be used when accessing your eQSL account
QTH Nickname * optional eQSL.cc QTH nickname

note: if Use each QSO's myQTHID as its QTH Nickname when uploading or exporting is enabled, this textbox will contain (myQTHID) and be disabled

Maximum time difference for considering a downloaded QSL to match a logged QSO (minutes) if a downloaded QSL is consistent with a QSO's callsign, band, and mode, this parameter specifies the maximum difference in minutes between the QSL's begin time and the QSO's begin time for the QSL to be deemed a match for the QSO  
Upload each QSO logged via the Capture window to eQSL.cc

when checked, clicking the Capture window's Log button automatically uploads the QSO to eQSL.cc

Initialize eQSL Sent to 'R' for each logged or imported QSO

when checked, 

  • logging a QSO via the Main or Capture windows sets the QSO's eQSL Sent item to 'R' (for requested) 

  • importing a QSO record that doesn't specify a value for EQSL_QSL_SENT will set the QSO's eQSL Sent item to 'R' (for requested) 

Use each QSO's myQTHID as its QTH Nickname when uploading or exporting when checked, each QSO's myQTHID will be used as its QTH Nickname when uploading to eQSL.cc or when exporting for eQSL.cc, ignoring the contents of QTH Nickname textbox ; when not checked, the specified QTH Nickname will be used.
Don't upload QSOs whose station callsign isn't the specified Username when checked, only QSOs whose station callsign matches the eQSL.cc Username will be uploaded to eQSL.cc by the Upload to eQSL.cc function
Prompt the user to specify a file containing the already-downloaded contents of an eQSL.cc Inbox when a Sync eQSL.cc QSLs operation is performed when checked, the Sync eQSL.cc QSLs operation prompts you to specify a file containing the contents of an eQSL.cc Inbox that you have already downloaded
Retain eQSL images when checked, clicking the eQSL.cc Display button checks to see if the current QSO's eQSL image has already been downloaded into DXKeeper's eQSL image folder
  • if not, the image is downloaded from eQSL, saved in DXKeeper's eQSL image folder, and displayed

  • if so, the already-downloaded image is displayed -- unless the user depressed the CTRL key while clicking the eQSL Display button, in which case the already-downloaded image is replaced with a new image downloaded from eQSL.cc, and displayed

eQSL image folder pathname the pathname of the folder into which downloaded eQSL images are stored; click the Select button to choose a folder


Update eQSL AG Membership button


LoTW Tab

LoTW Settings denoted with an asterisk * are stored in a log file:

Note: The Username and Password specified in this tab will appear in generated errorlog.txt files when Log debugging information is enabled; do not employ a username or password that you also use to secure valuable online accounts!

Username *

your LoTW web account username


your LoTW web account password, concealed by * characters; clicking the ? button reveals the password

Update button when clicked, displays the LoTW Account window, which enables you to specify or modify the username or password to be used when accessing your LoTW Web account
Upload each QSO logged via the Capture window to LoTW when checked, clicking the Capture window's Log button automatically uploads the QSO to LoTW
Initialize LoTW Sent to 'R' for each logged QSO or Imported QSO when checked, 
  • logging a QSO via the Main or Capture windows sets the QSO's LoTW Sent item to 'R' (for requested)
  • importing a QSO record that doesn't specify a value for LoTW_QSL_SENT will set the QSO's LoTW Sent item to 'R' (for requested) 

Consider LoTW confirmations in outgoing card/label QSL? "please/thanks" decisions when checked, a QSO confirmed via LoTW will be considered confirmed when deciding whether or not to print 'please!' or 'thanks!' in a QSL card's QSL? column or to print 'pse!' or 'tnx!' in a QSL label's QSL? column
Permit uploading of QSOs already uploaded to LoTW
  • when not checked, the presence of any QSO already uploaded to LoTW in the set of QSOs to be uploaded will prevent all QSOs in the set from being uploaded
  • when checked, all QSOs will be uploaded whether or not they've already been uploaded to LoTW; this setting will be disabled after the QSOs are uploaded

PC has no internet connection (prompt operator to manually query LoTW) when checked, DXKeeper will prompt you to manually upload a signed .TQ8 file, and to manually query LoTW and place the query results in a designated file; this option should only be selected when your PC does not have a direct connection to the internet. This option can also be used to report DXCC verification discrepancies from a PC with no internet connection.

The URL you are directed to use is placed in the Windows Clipboard; use CTRL-V to paste it into your Web Browser's Address Bar.

Maximum age of most recent LoTW upload to be considered "active" (months)
  • if no age is specified, a callsign is considered to be an active LoTW participant if it appears in the LoTW database, independent of when it last uploaded QSOs to LoTW
  • if an age in months is specified, a callsign is considered to be an active LoTW participant if it appears in the LoTW database and has uploaded QSOs to LoTW within the specified interval

A QSO's LoTW Member will be set to Y if its callsign is considered to be an active LoTW participant for the reasons described above, or if its callsign appears in the LoTW database and has uploaded QSOs to LoTW after the QSO began.

Limit  Sync operations to this station callsign *

When this setting specifies a callsign, and QSL Via is set to LoTW, the Sync LoTW QSOs and Sync LoTW QSLs operations download and synchronize only QSOs and QSLs whose station callsign matches the specified callsign.

When this setting is empty, the Sync LoTW QSOs and Sync LoTW QSLs operations download and synchronize all QSOs and QSLs independent of their station callsign.

Report unmatched QSOs or QSLs as errors *

when checked, 

  • the Sync LoTW QSOs operation will report any downloaded QSOs that don't match any QSO in the current log

  • the Sync LoTW QSLs operation will report any downloaded QSLs that don't match any QSO in the current log

Exclude station callsign when matching downloaded QSOs & QSLs to logged QSOs * when checked, 
  • the Sync LoTW QSOs operation will consider a downloaded QSO to match a logged QSO if the callsigns, bands, modes, and begin times are all identical; when unchecked, the station callsigns must also be identical.

  • the Sync LoTW QSLs operation will consider a downloaded QSL to match a logged QSO if the callsigns, bands, modes, and begin times are all identical; when unchecked, the station callsigns must also be identical.


The Handling of LoTW QSL detail inconsistencies setting controls the resolution of inconsistencies between a downloaded LoTW QSL and its matching logged QSO in the country code, CQ, ITU, Gridsquare, Iota, State, and/or County fields:

  1. always replace the logged data with the LoTW QSL data

  2. always preserve the logged data, ignoring the LoTW QSL data

  3. always preserve the logged data, ignoring the LoTW QSL data, and describe each inconsistency in the report displayed when the Sync LoTW QSLs or Update from LoTW operation completes

  4. display a dialog presenting the logged data and the LoTW QSL data so that the operator can choose

TQSL settings:

TQSL.exe  pathname

specify the location of the LoTW application TQSL on your PC's hard drive

  • TQSL is free, and available via https://www.arrl.org/LoTW/getstart

  • if you already have TQSL installed, verify that it is version 2.0.0 or later by checking the version number shown in this panel's label

  • By default, TQSL is installed in c:\Program Files\TrustedQSL\TQL.exe

  • If you installed TQSL in another location, use the Select button to locate and select TQSL

Note that TQSL must be installed on a drive directly attached to your PC; otherwise, DXKeeper will be unable to obtain your station locations.

To start TQSL, click the Run button.

station location * Select the TQSL Station Location to be associated with QSOs submitted to LoTW via If no station location is selected, TQSL will prompt you to select one when it's invoked by DXKeeper during the LoTW upload process.

Note that you cannot add a new Station Location or modify an existing Station Location using this selector; you can only do that in TQSL.

If you add, modify, or delete a Station Location in TQSL, click the Update button to update the Station Location selector.

station callsign * Specifies the Station Callsign to be associated with QSOs submitted to LoTW via
If the currently-selected Station Location specifies a Station Callsign, it will appear in this setting. If the currently-selected Station Location does not specify a Station Callsign, [NONE] will appear in this setting, and you will be prompted to specify the Station Callsign to be used.


Update LoTW Membership button

Club Log Tab

The Club Log panel on this tab provides settings that enable DXKeeper to upload QSOs to Club Log, delete QSOs from Club Log, download confirmations from Club Log, and download new OQRS requests from Club Log.

Note: The Password specified in this tab will appear in generated errorlog.txt files when Log debugging information is enabled; do not employ a username or password that you also use to secure valuable online accounts!



specifies the Email address with which you've registered with Club Log


specifies the password that enables your access to Club Log

Callsign specifies the station callsign in your Club Log account to which QSOs should be uploaded and from which Inbound OQRS requests should be downloaded; this setting is stored with each log file, and thus changes when a new log file is loaded
Auto upload * when checked, any QSO  logged by DXKeeper either directly, or on behalf of another application and whose station callsign item matches the specified Club Log Callsign, will automatically be uploaded to Club Log using the above settings
  • enabling this option does not automatically upload QSOs as they are imported from a file
  • this setting is stored with each log file, and thus changes when a new log file is loaded
Slow net when checked, QSOs are uploaded in small chunks to ensure delivery when uploading via a slow internet connection
Include seconds in uploaded QSOs *

determines whether the QSO Start Time in QSOs uploaded to Club Log will specify time to the minute, or to the second

  • when checked the, QSO Start Time in QSOs uploaded to Club Logwill specify the time to the second
  • when not checked, the QSO Start Time in QSOs uploaded to Club Log will specify the time to the minute, with seconds set to 00
  • this setting is stored with each log file, and thus changes when a new log file is loaded
  • this setting defaults to 'not checked'

If all QSOs uploaded to Club Log come from DXKeeper, then this option can remain in its default 'not checked'; setting. However, if QSOs have been or will be uploaded to Club Log from other applications, then this option should be set to match the behavior of those applications to avoid creating duplicate QSOs in Club Log.

If you change the setting of this option with QSOs already uploaded from the current log to Club Log, you should direct Club Log to clear all QSOs and then resubmit the QSOs from this Log.

Inbound OQRS
Set 'QSL Sent' to 'R' * when checked,
Set 'eQSL Sent' to 'R' * when checked,
Set 'LoTW Sent' to 'R' * when checked,
Clear Selected Requests when clicked, clears the QSL Sent and/or eQSL QSL Sent and/or LoTW QSL Sent items of every logged QSO as specified by the Set 'QSL Sent' to 'R', Set 'eQSL Sent' to 'R' and Set 'LoTW Sent' to 'R' settings above


QRZ Logbook Selection
QRZ Logbook Selector selects the QRZ Logbook to which QSOs are uploaded and from which confirmations are downloaded
Logbook API Key the QRZ Logbook API Key associated with the currently-selected QRZ Logbook; when you direct QRZ to create a Logbook, you will be given the new Logbook's API Key
New click to define a new QRZ Logbook by specifying its Station Callsign and Logbook API Key
Update click to save changes made to the currently-selected Logbook API Key
Remove click to remove the currently-selected entry in the QRZ Logbook Selector
Report unmatched QSLs as errors * when checked, the Sync QRZ QSLs operation will report downloaded QSLs whose logids do not match the LogID items of any logged QSO
Auto upload * when checked, any QSO  logged by DXKeeper either directly, or on behalf of another application whose station callsign item matches the selected QRZ Logbook Selector, will automatically be uploaded to the selected QRZ Logbook
  • enabling this option does not automatically upload QSOs as they are imported from a file
  • this setting is stored with each log file, and thus changes when a new log file is loaded



Don't save non-callsign QSL Via items to ADIF or tab-delimited files if checked, the Save ADIF file and Save TDF file functions will ignore QSL Via items whose content is not a single callsign
Frequency precision

specifies the number of decimal digits shown in transmit frequencies and receive frequencies included in ADIF and Tab-delimited files exported from the QSL Queue; the valid range is 3 to 6.


Printer Tab

Settings on this tab specify

For each of these three printing categories, you can specify the paper size, paper source, and print quality.

If you have a single printer, configure all three printing categories to utilize that printer.

QSL cards and Reply cards
Printer selects the printer to be used when printing QSL cards and Reply cards
Size selects the paper size on which QSL cards and Reply cards will be printed
Source selects the media bin from which QSL cards and Reply cards will be printed
Print Quality selects the print quality used when printing QSL cards and Reply cards


QSL labels and  address labels
Printer selects the printer to be used when printing QSL labels and address labels
Size selects the paper size on which QSL labels and address labels will be printed
Source selects the media bin from which QSL labels and address labels will be printed
Print Quality selects the print quality used when printing QSL labels and address labels

Single Label Orientation selects the printer orientation to be used when printing single QSL labels, single address labels, or single self-addressed labels (2-column and 3-column labels are always printed using portrait orientation)

Printer selects the printer to be used when printing envelopes
Size selects the paper size on which envelopes will be printed
Source selects the media bin from which envelopes will be printed
Print Quality selects the print quality used when printing envelopes


Ignore printer-imposed margins

when checked, top and left margins reported by the printer driver are ignored and reported as 0; this allows borderless printing of QSL cards and labels. Note that doing this could damage your printer, so USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.





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