Configuring Commander to Activate WinWarbler when the Callsign of a Station Operating in CW, SSB, AM, or FM is Clicked in the Bandspread Window, in the Spectrum-Waterfall Window, or in a Flex Signature Panadaptor
With the Digital Mode Application panel set to WinWarbler on the Configuration window's Bandspread tab and WinWarbler running, clicking in the Bandspread window, in the Spectrum-Waterfall Window, or on a Flex Signature Panadaptor will -- if the station is operating in PSK31, PSK63, PSK125, or RTTY -- convey the entry's callsign, frequency, mode, and grid square to WinWarbler, which will populate its QSO Info panel with this information and direct Commander to QSY your transceiver to the appropriate frequency and mode.
If you want Commander to similarly activate WinWarbler when you click on the callsign of a station operating in CW, then in the Configuration window's Bandspread tab, click the CW mode panel's CW via DMA button. For similar action when you click on the callsign of a station operating in SSB, FM, or AM, check the Phone modes panel's SSB via DMA box, FM via DMA box, or AM via DMA box respectively.
Note that you can specify a Digital Mode Application other than WinWarbler, e.g.
- MultiPSK
- Fldigi-DXLabs Gateway
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