Setting DXCC and TopList Award Objectives

On the Awards tab of DXKeeper's Config window, the band and mode boxes in the DXCC Bands & Modes panel determine

  1. which callsigns are highlighted as needed in DXKeeper's Main and Capture windows and in WinWarbler's QSO Info panel (via bold red font)

  2. for what QSOs DXKeeper generates an outgoing QSL card/label soliciting confirmation when you invoke the AddNeeded operation with the DXCC box checked in the Awards panel on the QSL Configuration window's General tab

  3. whether or not DXKeeper prints Please! or Pse! on generated QSL cards and labels respectively

  4. which QSOs are considered by DXKeeper's QSL Aging report

  5. which QSOs are included in a DXCC submission generated by DXKeeper

  6. which QSOs prompt DXKeeper to issue a send to DXCC desk reminder when you record their confirmation

  7. which newly-imported QSOs DXKeeper reports as confirming or verifying needed entity-bands or entity-modes
  8. which newly-received LotW confirmations DXKeeper flags as confirming needed entity-bands or entity-modes
  9. which band rows and mode columns DXView highlights with white backgrounds in its entity progress display to indicate needed but unconfirmed

  10. which Spot Database Entries SpotCollector highlights as needed and announces audibly, with a D in the Needed column

Start with all of the DXCC Bands & Modes panel's boxes unchecked.

If your goal is the DXCC award or mixed DXCC Honor Roll, then uncheck all the band and mode boxes (because you need only work each DXCC entity once -- on any band in any mode)

If your goal is the DXCC phone Honor Roll, then check the Phone box.

If your goal is the DXCC CW Honor Roll, then check the CW box.

If your goal is the DXCC Digital Honor Roll, then check the Digital box ( don't check the User-specified digital mode family box unless you want to confirm every DXCC entity on in the selected user-specified digital mode).

If your goal is the DXCC Honor Roll for a particular band, then check that band's box.

If your goal is the 5-band DXCC award, then check the 10M, 15M, 20M, 40M, and 80M boxes.

If you're competing in the TopList award programs, then check all boxes except 2M, 6M, and User-specified digital mode family.

If you're competing in the DXCC Challenge award program, then check all the band boxes except 2M; if Challenge is the only award you are pursuing, uncheck the Phone, CW, Digital, User-specified digital mode family, and QRP boxes.

If you have multiple objectives, then check all of the boxes required by each objective.

If your goal is accomplish these objectives using QRP (transmit power of 5 watts or less), check the QRP box

After all changes are complete, click the Recompute button on the Main window's Check Progress tab. After DXKeeper completes the Recompute operation, if you are using SpotCollector, open the the Spot Database tab of SpotCollector's Config window, and click the Recomputation panel's Recompute button.

Post a question or suggestion on the DXLab Discussion Group

Tracking DXCC Award Progress for a User-selected Digital Mode

Setting DXing Objectives

Getting Started with Award Tracking

Getting Started with QSLing

Getting Started with Logging


Getting Started with DXLab

DXCCAwardObjectives (last edited 2024-02-26 16:48:06 by AA6YQ)