Identifying Discrepancies with your DXCC Account Credits

You can direct DXKeeper to obtain your DXCC Account Credits from the ARRL web site, compare them to the current log's DXCC Entity, Entity-Band, and Entity-Mode verification data, and print a report showing discrepancies between the two. A prerequisite for this for this function is that your DXCC account number in the Log Settings panel on the Configuration window's Log tab; if you haven't yet specified your DXCC account number, follow this procedure.

To display discrepancies between your DXCC Account Credits and your logged QSOs, click the Compare button in the DXCC, Challenge, & TopList panel on the Main window's Check Progress tab.

Eliminating Discrepancies

To update your logged QSOs to reflect DXCC Account Credits granted, see Managing DXCC Credits.

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IdentifyDXCCCreditDiscrepancies (last edited 2022-06-28 04:13:20 by AA6YQ)