Why Is This QSO Ignored for Marathon?
The CQ DX Marathon is an annual competition to work stations in all CQ countries and zones. It's rules and options are relatively complex, occasionally leading to puzzlement when a logged QSO is not included in the progress report or submission spreadsheet generated by DXKeeper. A QSO will not be considered for CQ DX Marathon if
its WAZ Verified item is set to I (for invalid)
it doesn't specify a Band item, or specifies a Band inconsistent with the specified Marathon Category
it doesn't specify a Mode item, or specifies a Mode inconsistent with the specified Marathon Category
it specifies a digital Mode item not valid for CQ awards
its QSO Begin item specifies a year other than the specified year for which the progress report or submission is being generated
its Transmit Power item exceeds the specified maximum power for the Marathon Category you are pursuing (QRP Limited, QRP Unlimited, Formula 100W, Formula Unlimited, Limited, Unlimited, Challenge)
its Propagation Mode item doesn't specify a terrestrial propagation mode (AUR, AUE, BS, ES, FAI, F2, ION, MS, RS, TEP, TR), or it doesn't specify a Propagation Mode and the Ignore QSOs with no prop option is not enabled
In addition,
a QSO's CQ Country (as specified in its DXCC entity and any CQ Prefix specified in its Region item) will be ignored if its Country Risk item is set to I (for invalid)
a QSO's CQ Zone will be ignored if its Zone Risk item is set to I (for invalid)
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