Reviewing QSOs Whose Confirmations Are Needed But Haven't Been Requested
If you have specified the awards you are pursuing, this procedure will filter the Log Page Display to contain those QSOs whose confirmation would advance your progress towards those awards, but for which confirmation has not yet been requested:
on the Main window's Check Progress tab, click the Clear Select button; this will clear the Select item in every QSO in your log
on the Main window's QSL tab
set the QSL Via panel to Cards or Labels
click the Add Needed button; this will populate the QSL Queue with QSOs that are needed and unconfirmed, but for which confirmation has not been requested, and will set the Select item of each such QSO to Y
unless you want to generate outgoing QSL cards or labels, click the Clear button to clear the QSL Queue (the goal of set 2 is to set Select in all QSOs that are needed, but unconfirmed and unrequested)
on the Main window's Log QSOs tab, click the Filter panel's Sel button; this will filter the Log Page Display to contain only QSOs whose Select items are set to Y, which after steps 1 and 2 will be all QSOs that are needed, but unconfirmed and unrequested
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