When a New Version of 2Tone Becomes Available
2Tone is a RTTY application developed by David G3YYD that WinWarbler can use as an independent RTTY demodulator to decode RTTY signals in parallel with its MMTTY engine. Publicly released versions are available here. Double-clicking on a listed version downloads a zip archive containing
- an executable file named 2Tone.exe
- a documentation file name 2Tone.pdf
- a change log file named Change log.txt
Note that recent 2Tone versions requires a 64-bit CPU with AVX instructions running Windows 8, 10, or 11.
If after reviewing a new version's documentation and change log you wish to use it with WinWarbler,
extract the file 2Tone.exe from the zip archive into a temporary folder and rename it 2Tone NNNN.exe where NNNN is its version identifier
copy the renamed executable file into your WinWarbler folder.
configure your anti-malware applications to consider the renamed 2Tone executable file to be safe
to test the new version, start (or restart) WinWarbler, and in the 2Tone panel on the Configuration window's RTTY tab, set the 2Tone filename selector to the renamed executable file
It's prudent to retain the previous version of 2Tone you've been using; executable files for older versions can be deleted from your WinWarbler folder.
Getting Started with CW, Phone, PSK, and RTTY Operation
Setting up CW, Phone, PSK, and RTTY Operation