Viewing the Spot Database Display from Another Computer, Tablet, or Smart Phone
SpotCollector's built-in Web Server enables you to view entries in the Spot Database Display using a web browser running on a computer, tablet, or smart phone connected to the PC on which SpotCollector is running - either wirelessly, or via a local area network (LAN).
To enable SpotCollector's Web Server, do the following in the Web Server panel on the Configuration window's Spot Database tab:
set the Port to 80
set the Spots per page to 30 (you can increase or decrease this later)
set the Refresh interval (minutes) to 5 (you can decrease this later, but not to less than 0.5)
check the Enable box
If an error message appears stating that port 80 is not available, try setting the Port to 8080 instead of 80. To determine which ports are already in use, enter this in a Windows CMD window and strike the Enter key:
netstat -ano | findstr LISTENING
To view the Spot Database Display from a web browser running on another device, you must first determine the network name of the PC on which SpotCollector is running:
- on Windows XP,
open the Windows Control Panel
run the System applet
in the System Properties window select the Computer Name tab
note the name given in the Full computer name setting
on Windows 7, open the Windows Control Panel
select System and Security
select System
note the name given in the Full computer name setting
If the network name of the PC running SpotCollector is Fido, then type the URL http://fido/spots into the web browser on your network-connected device; the web browser will display entries from the Spot Database Display, updated at the interval specified in the Web Server panel on the Configuration window's Spot Database Display tab. If you set the Web Server panel's Port to a value other than 80, you must specify that port in the URL, e.g
URL http://fido:8080/spots
The green panel below the Spot Database Entries enables you to remotely
- filter the Spot Database Display by callsign, DXCC entity, frequency, or tag
configure SpotCollector's Band, Mode, Continent, or Origin filter
- filter the Spot Database Display by a specified SQL expression
change the spots per page and refresh interval settings
If the device from which you are remotely viewing the Spot Database Display is a smart phone or small tablet, direct its web browser to a URL like URL http://fido/smallspots for a view with fewer columns.
You can extend remote access beyond the bounds of your local area network by setting up a dynamic IP service that makes the web page generated by the SpotCollector's Web Server accessible from anywhere on the internet; employ appropriate security mechanisms! Suppliers of dynamic IP services, some of which are free, can be found in here.
For additional information about SpotCollector's web server, see the reference documentation.
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