User Defined Items

Eight User items are available on both the Main window's Log QSOs tab and the Capture window. To create one, select the Configuration window's User Items tab, and specify the following 6 items in one of the 8 available rows:

  1. the items's caption, e.g. WWFF

  2. the item's style

    • integer
    • positive integer
    • positive number
    • alphanumeric
    • lower-case alphanumeric
    • alphabetic
    • lower-case alphabetic
    • upper-case alphabetic
    • a list of legal values stored as one value per line in a text file (maximum 32767 values)
    • a comma-delimited list of legal values
  3. the item's alignment: left, center, or right

  4. an Init option that when enabled causes new QSOs to be initialized with information extracted from previous QSOs with the same callsign i the Display Previous QSOs on Lookup option is also enabled

  5. an ADIF option that when enabled causes DXKeeper to import and export ADIF and tab-delimited files using the item's Caption as its ADIF tag; if this option is not enabled for user-defined item N,

    • ADIF files will be imported and exported ADIF using the tag APP_DXKEEPER_USER_DEFINED_N
    • tab-delimited files will be imported and exported using the tag UDF_Caption if a Caption is specified, or UDF_N if no Caption is specified

    • because the ADIF tag for POTA is POTA_REF, a user-defined item whose Caption is POTA will be treated when importing and exporting as if its Caption is POTA_REF

  6. the item's default value

The above definition information is stored with each log. If you use more than one log, you can thus define a different set of user items for each log. If you want to define one set of user items to be used in each of your logs, click the Save user item definitions button on the Config window's User Items tab to save your definitions to a file. Then open each log that is to use the same set of definitions, and click the Load user item definitions button to set the log's user item definitions from the file you save.

A file used to specify values for a list-style user item should contain one value on each line. Two sample list files are provided in DXKeeper's UserDefinedItems sub-folder:

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User-DefinedItems (last edited 2023-06-26 17:14:33 by AA6YQ)