QSLing With Club Log

Club Log is an online database with a suite of powerful tools supporting active DXers. Club Log confirmation are valid for IOTA awards.


Basic Operations

DXKeeper provides the ability to


Configuring DXKeeper for Interaction with Club Log

On the QSL Configuration window's Club Log tab, specify the following information that you used to register with Club Log:

These settings are stored with your log file; if you use more than one log file, the contents of these setting will be loaded when a log file is selected.


Viewing a QSO's Club Log Status

In the Log Panels panel on the Configuration window's Log tab, check the Online QSL box, and the Club & QRZ box immediately beneath it.

When you select a QSO in the Log Page Display, the Online QSL panel's Club Log subpanel will display the selected QSO's Club Log QSL Sent, Club Log QSL Date Sent, Club Log QSL Rcved, and Club Log QSL Date Rcvd items:



Automatically Uploading QSOs

Automatically uploading QSOs to Club Log requires that DXKeeper be configured for interaction with Club Log, and running.


Uploading Individual QSOs

To upload a logged QSO, right click its entry in the Log Page Display and select the Upload to Club Log menu item; verify that the callsign shown in this menu item designates the Club Log account to which the QSO should be uploaded


Uploading Multiple QSOs

To upload all QSOs in the Log Page Display that have either never been uploaded to Club Log, or that have been modified after being uploaded to Club Log, in the Club Log panel on the Main window's Check Progress tab

  1. set the QSL Via panel to Club Log

  2. verify that the callsign in the Club Log operations panel's caption designates the callsign for the Club Log account to which the QSOs should be uploaded

  3. in the Club Log operations panel, click the Upload to Club Log button


Updating logged QSOs to reflect their confirmation via Club Log

  1. set the QSL Via panel to Club Log

  2. verify that the callsign in the Club Log operations panel's caption designates the callsign for the Club Log account from which confirmations should be downloaded

  3. click the Sync Club Log QSLs button; DXKeeper will download confirmations generated since the date shown beneath the Sync Club Log QSLs button, update your logged QSOs to reflect their confirmation via Club Log, and update the date shown beneath the Sync Club Log QSLs button

You can alter the date shown beneath the Sync Club Log QSLs button by double-clicking it, specifying a new date in the small Club Log QSL Synchronization window that appears, and then clicking that window's OK button.


Deleting a QSO from Club Log

To delete a QSO from Club Log, locate its entry in the Log Page Display, right-click it, and select the Delete from Club Log command.


Using Club Log's Online QSL Request Service (OQRS)

Club Log provides an Online QSL Request Service (OQRS). This is a more efficient alternative to the traditional practice of requesting a needed confirmation by sending your QSO partner (or his or her QSL Manager) an outgoing QSL card with a self-addressed stamped envelope and funds for return postage.

Requesting Confirmations via Club Log

If you intend obtain confirmation for some QSOs via OQRS (as opposed to by sending a QSL card that requests confirmation), then uncheck the Include QSOs to be sent via Electronic File Transfer box at the bottom of the Main window’s QSL tab. This will ensure that though the Add Needed or Add Requested functions may add QSOs whose QSL Sent Via items are set to E to the QSL Queue, no outgoing card, label, ADIF record, or tab-delimited record will be generated.

The recommended workflow for a QSO to be confirmed via OQRS is:

  1. Upload the QSO to Club Log, as described above
  2. set the QSO's QSL Sent Via item to E

  3. Wait for your QSO partner to upload a matching QSO to Club Log, producing a confirmation that will result in the Sync Club Log QSLs function setting the QSO's Club Log Rcvd item to Y

  4. If your QSO partner accepts OQRS requests, invoke Club Log's one-click option to request confirmation either via the QSL bureau (which is free) or via direct mail (for which you pay via PayPal, with the option to include a donation). To update the logged QSO to reflect your request, select it in the Log Page Display on the Main window's Log QSOs tab, and click the QSL panel's OQRS button; doing so will

    • set the QSO's QSL Sent item to Y

    • set the QSO's QSL Sent Date item to the current date

    • set the QSO's QSL Sent Via item to E

    • set the QSO's QSL Rcvd item to R

    • Note: make sure there's no entry for the QSO in the QSL Queue when you click the QSL panel's OQRS button, as some of the above actions would be reversed when the QSO is removed from the QSL Queue.

  5. The DX station's or DXPedition's QSL Manager sends you the requested QSL card via the QSL bureau or via direct mail.

While not all DX stations and DXPeditions upload their logs to Club Log, its Analytics and Leagues make it attractive to upload all of your logged QSOs using the functions described above.

Inbound OQRS: Responding to Confirmation Requests via Club Log

To reduce the requests for confirmations you receive via postal mail containing QSL cards, self-addressed envelopes, and small bills for return postage, you can configure Club Log to accept OQRS requests; your PayPal account will be credited with funds for postage and return envelopes, and with donations. DXKeeper supports this Inbound OQRS service by downloading new Inbound OQRS requests, and updating your logged QSOs to reflect requested confirmations via via QSL cards/labels, eQSL,cc, or LotW. QSL Managers who receive a high volume of confirmation requests will find Club Log's Inbound OQRS particularly attractive.

Configuring Inbound OQRS

  1. On the Configuration window's Log tab, use the Log File panel to open the appropriate log file (if it's not already open)

  2. In the Club Log panel on the QSL Configuration window's Club Log tab,

    1. specify the Email address, Password, and Callsign with which you log in to Club Log

    2. in the Inbound OQRS sub-panel,

      • if you'll be generating QSL cards for each OQRS request, check the Set 'QSL Sent' to 'R' box

      • if you'll be uploading each OQRS request to eQSl.cc, check the Set 'eQSL QSL Sent' to 'R' box

      • if you'll be uploading each OQRS request to LotW, check the Set 'LotW QSL Sent' to 'R' box

      • at least one of these boxes must be checked to enable Inbound OQRS processing; any combination of boxes can be checked

    3. initially, each QSO's QSL Sent, eQSL Sent, and LoTW QSL Sent items should be clear so DXKeeper can set them to 'R' as Inbound OQRS requests arrive; if these items are not currently clear, clicking the Inbound OQRS sub-panel's Clear Selected Request button will

      • if the Set 'QSL Sent' to 'R' box is checked, clear the "QSL Sent' and "QSL Sent Date" item of every logged QSO

      • if the Set 'eQSL QSL Sent' to 'R' box is checked, clear the "eQSL QSL Sent' and "eQSL QSL Sent Date" item of every logged QSO

      • if the Set 'LotW QSL Sent' to 'R' box is checked, clear the "LotW QSL Sent' and "LotW QSL Sent Date" item of every logged QSO

Responding to Inbound OQRS Requests by Printing QSL Cards, Uploading QSOs to eQSL, and/or by Uploading QSOs to LotW

  1. Use the Log File panel on the Configuration window's Log tab, to open the appropriate log file, if it's not already open. This will automatically populate

    • the Email, Password and Callsign boxes in the Club Log panel on the QSL Configuration window's Club Log tab

    • the callsign in the Club Log operations panel on the Main window's QSL tab with its QSL Via panel set to Club Log, and the date-and-time shown beneath the Inbound OQRS button in that panel

  2. On the Main window's QSL tab with its QSL Via panel set to Club Log, click the Club Log operations panel's Inbound OQRS button; DXKeeper will

    1. obtain a list of new OQRS requests (requests received since the last time your clicked the Inbound OQRS button)

    2. locate the logged QSO associated with each OQRS request and
      1. if the Inbound OQRS sub-panel's Set 'QSL Sent' to 'R' box is checked (in the Club Log panel on the QSL Configuration window's Club Log tab) and the logged QSO's QSL Sent item is not set to 'N', 'I', or 'Y',

        • set the logged QSOs's QSL Sent item to R

        • set the logged QSO's QSL Sent Via item to B (for bureau) or D (for direct) as indicated in the OQRS request

      2. if the Inbound OQRS sub-panel's Set 'eQSL QSL Sent' to 'R' box is checked (in the Club Log panel on the QSL Configuration window's Club Log tab) and the logged QSO's eQSL QSL Sent item is not set to 'N', 'I', ,'U', or 'Y',

        • set the logged QSOs's eQSL QSL Sent item to R

      3. if the Inbound OQRS sub-panel's Set 'LotW QSL Sent' to 'R' box is checked (in the Club Log panel on the QSL Configuration window's Club Log tab) and the logged QSO's loTW QSL Sent item is not set to 'N', 'I', ,'U', or 'Y',

        • set the logged QSOs's LotW QSL Sent item to R

      4. set the logged QSO's address item to the postal address specified in the OQRS request (note: addresses specified in UTF-8 Unicode will be ignored)

      5. set the logged QSO's email item to the email address specified in the OQRS request

      6. append to the logged QSO's comment item any payment or donation information specified in the OQRS request

      7. display a report informing you of any requests that don't match QSOs in the currently open log, or that contain errors
  3. if the Inbound OQRS sub-panel's Set 'QSL Sent' to 'R' box is checked, you can print QSL cards or labels by

    1. setting the QSL Via panel to QSL cards, labels, ADIF file, or Tab-delimited file

    2. clicking the Add Requested button to populate the QSL Queue

    3. after QSL cards or labels have been successfully printed, click the Update Log button to update logged QSOs to reflect the generation of outgoing QSL cards, and clear the QSL Queue

  4. If the Inbound OQRS sub-panel's Set 'eQSL QSL Sent' to 'R' box is checked, you can upload QSOs to eQSL by

    1. setting the QSL Via panel to eQSL.cc

    2. clicking the Add Requested button to populate the QSL Queue

    3. clicking the Upload to eQSL button

    4. clicking the Update Log button to update logged QSOs to reflect the uploading of QSOs to eQSL, and clear the QSL Queue

  5. If the Inbound OQRS sub-panel's Set 'LotW QSL Sent' to 'R' box is checked, you can upload QSOs to LotW by

    1. setting the QSL Via panel to LotW

    2. clicking the Add Requested button to populate the QSL Queue

    3. clicking the Upload to LotW button

    4. clicking the Update Log button to update logged QSOs to reflect the uploading of QSOs to LotW, and clear the QSL Queue

Additional Operations

Recovering Lost QSOs from Club Log




Getting Started with DXLab

QSLingClubLog (last edited 2023-11-17 20:36:58 by AA6YQ)