QSLing With QRZ

QRZ provides an online logbook. QRZ confirmation are valid for QRZ awards. These instructions assume that you have already created a QRZ logbook.


Basic Operations

DXKeeper provides the ability to

If you have already established and populated a QRZ Logbook - for example, by exporting an ADIF file from your log in DXKeeper and then importing that file into your QRZ Logbook - you must first upload your logged QSOs from DXKeeper to your QRZ Logbook before you can update logged QSOs to reflect their confirmation via QRZ using the Sync QRZ QSLs function described below. Doing so will not create duplicate QSOs - or have any other adverse impact - on your QRZ logbook.


Configuring DXKeeper for Interaction with QRZ

On the QRZ Logbook Selection panel on the QSL Configuration window's QRZ tab, click the New button. In the small New QRZ Logbook Station Callsign and API Key window that appears,

These settings are stored with your log file; if you use more than one log file, these settings will be loaded when a log file is selected.


Viewing a QSO's QRZ Status

In the Log Panels panel on the Configuration window's Log tab, check the Online QSL box, and the Club & QRZ box immediately beneath it.

When you select a QSO in the Log Page Display, the Online QSL panel's QRZ subpanel will display the selected QSO's QRZ QSL Sent, QRZ QSL Date Sent, QRZ QSL Rcved, and QRZ QSL Date Rcvd items:



Automatically Uploading QSOs

Automatically uploading QSOs to QRZ requires that DXKeeper be configured for interaction with QRZ, and running.


Uploading Individual QSOs

To upload a logged QSO, right click its entry in the Log Page Display and select the Upload to QRZ menu item; verify that the callsign shown in this menu item designates the QRZ account to which the QSO should be uploaded


Uploading Multiple QSOs

To upload all QSOs in the Log Page Display that have either never been uploaded to QRZ, or that have been modified after being uploaded to QRZ, in the QRZ panel on the Main window's Check Progress tab

  1. set the QSL Via panel to QRZ

  2. verify that the callsign in the QRZ operations panel's caption designates the callsign for the QRZ Logbook to which the QSOs should be uploaded

  3. in the QRZ operations panel, click the Upload to QRZ button


Errors while Uploading QSOs to QRZ

The response QRZ Internal Error: Unable to add QSO to database can be caused by attempting to upload a QSO whose start date precedes your QRZ Logbook's start date. To correct this,


Updating logged QSOs to reflect their confirmation via QRZ

  1. set the QSL Via panel to QRZ

  2. verify that the callsign in the QRZ operations panel's caption designates the callsign for the QRZ Logbook from which confirmations should be downloaded

  3. click the Sync QRZ QSLs button; DXKeeper will download confirmations generated since the date shown beneath the Sync QRZ QSLs button, update your logged QSOs to reflect their confirmation via QRZ, and update the date shown beneath the Sync QRZ QSLs button

You can alter the date shown beneath the Sync QRZ QSLs button by double-clicking it, specifying a new date in the small QRZ QSL Synchronization window that appears, and then clicking that window's OK button.

If you have already established and populated a QRZ Logbook - for example, by exporting an ADIF file from your log in DXKeeper and then importing that file into your QRZ Logbook - you must first upload your logged QSOs from DXKeeper to your QRZ Logbook before you can update logged QSOs to reflect their confirmation via QRZ using the Sync QRZ QSLs function described below. Doing so will not create duplicate QSOs - or have any other adverse impact - on your QRZ logbook, but it will require you to direct your QRZ Logbook to re-import your LoTW confirmations.


Log new QSOs in your QRZ Logbook, and import them into your log in DXKeeper

  1. Direct your QRZ Logbook to export your new QSOs to an ADIF file.
  2. Direct DXKeeper to import the ADIF file created in step 1
    • on the Main window's Import QSOs tab, enable Duplicate checking

    • in the Substitution options, check the Substitute for missing myQTH IDs box, and using the selector to its right choose the appropriate myQTH ID for your new QSOs

    • click the Start button, and when prompted select the file you created in step 1

  3. invoke DXKeeper's Upload to QRZ function; This step will not create duplicate QSOs or have any other adverse impact on your QRZ logbook, but it will require you to direct your QRZ Logbook to re-import your LoTW confirmations.


Deleting a QSO from QRZ

To delete a QSO from QRZ, locate its entry in the Log Page Display, right-click it, and select the Delete from QRZ command.




Getting Started with DXLab

QSLingQRZ (last edited 2023-12-02 05:07:02 by AA6YQ)