Getting Started with FlexRadio Transceiver Control
For Flex SDR-1000, SDR-1500, SDR-3000, and SDR-5000 transceivers,
set up the PowerSDR software and a connected virtual serial port pair
run Commander, and click the Config button on its Main window to open its Configuration window
in Commander's Configuration window, select the General tab
in the Radio panel
set the Model selector to SDR-1000, SDR-1500, SDR-3000, or SDR-5000
check the Interrogation box and set the interval to 200 ms (note: Flex SDRs can handle command intervals much shorter than 200 ms, allowing Commander to more smoothly track frequency, mode, and meter changes; after everything is working correctly, try reducing the Command interval to 100 ms, and then to 50 ms)
in the General panel
check the Accept Dual Receive On directives and Accept Dual Receive Off directives boxes
check the Use TX freq for devices when split box
in Commander's Configuration window select the Ports tab and then
designate the virtual serial port you specified in the com0com or VSPE setup
set the baud rate to 4800
set the parity to none
set the word length to 8
set the stop bits to 1
in the FlexRadio SDR setup's Cat Control tab,
set the ID to SDR-1500
enable CAT to the virtual com port pair you specified in the com0com or VSPE setup
set the baud rate to 4800
set the parity to none
set the word length to 8
set the stop bits to 1
uncheck the DigL/U Returns LSB/USB box
check the Allow Kenwood AI Command box
uncheck the Enable PTT box
check the Enable CAT box
- On Commander's Main window
the VFO panel should reflect changes you make to your radio's frequency via its front panel
the Mode panel should reflect changes you make to your radio's mode via its front panel
Modifying the VFO panel's frequency display contents and striking the Enter key will radio's primary VFO to the specified frequency; see Changing Frequency for information about the other ways you can change transceiver frequency from the VFO panel
Clicking the Mode panel's buttons should change your transceiver's mode; see Changing Mode for additional information
Clicking the Bandspread button will display a Bandspread window; see Bandspread Window for additional information.